#F3DevilsTurn – A breath of Fresh Air

#F3DevilsTurn – A breath of Fresh Air

#F3DevilsTurn launched at 0515 with 4 PAX and at 0530 with 1 PAX.

The Thang: 6miles or 4miles along the 4 Mile Creek / Lower McAlpine Creek greenway starting at Rea Road parking area.


  • It was AWESOME weather today.  Truly a breath of fresh air from our Natural surroundings when it screams COOL…  Brighten someone’s day with an uplifted spirit.
  • Preblast indicated 2nd F for the pace today, and it did not disappoint.  While still a good workout to get the miles in, it was more about talking Marathon training plans (Honey Bee and Turkey Leg are EH for Thunder Road Half or Full) and BRR fun (Turkey Leg, Bratwurst, and Mighty Mite are all in).
  • Not sure if this was the first time, but Mighty Mite joined the 6 mile crew.  He was even still talking towards the end, “I didn’t think I could stay with you guys.”  If you are able to complete the 4 Mile week in and week out, try the 6 one week.  You might surprise yourself.
  • This is a great venue for a early morning run and will make sure you get in some training for the day.  Use it as a Recovery day, challenge day, or 2nd F, but come out and enjoy.


  • Rumors of a F3 discount for Thunder Road in November.  Stand by.

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Bratwurst author

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Mighty Mite
11 years ago

For the second week in a row, the call of the bullfrog in the creek lets me know that the run is almost over.

11 years ago

Welcome to BRR mighty mite? Are you mountain goat tough?

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