Ring of Fire, Demon Dice and the Mark of the Beast

Ring of Fire, Demon Dice and the Mark of the Beast

12 brave souls ignored the heat advisory and made the choice to have a devilish good time at Day Zero.  Here’s the stuff we did.

The Thang

Boutique’s Virgin Q:

First…10 burpees OYO. Then mosey down to the Proving Grounds for a little COP.

  • SSHs – 25 (cadence)
  • Merkins – 25 (cadence)
  • Squats – 25 (cadence)
  • IWs – 28 (cadence)

Take off around the track to the other side of the field for some 100s. Partner up…Partner A does called exercise, Partner B does a 40 yard dash, flapjack. Go until you reach 100 as a team.

  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • LBCs

Mosey to the basketball court for the Ring of Fire:

  • Pax bear crawl in a circle while 1st man sprints around the circle
  • When he returns the circle, Pax do 1 merkin
  • Back to the bear crawl. 2nd man sprints around the circle. 2 merkins for the Pax when he returns.
  • Go until everyone has run around the Ring of Fire.
  • Repeato with lunge walks and LBCs

Handoff to Purple Haze:

Time for Demon Dice.  1st Pax rolls the dice and entire group does exercise assigned to the number. Roll a double, double the reps. Assigned exercises:

  • 2 – 20 burpees
  • 3 – 50 mountain climbers
  • 4 – 25 jump squats
  • 5 – 20 merkin jacks
  • 6 – 50 dollies
  • 7 – 60 calf raises
  • 8 – 20 wide-arm merkins
  • 9 – 50 shoulder raises
  • 10 – 20 knee tucks
  • 11 – 1 minute of ski abs
  • 12 – 20 Carolina dry docks

We did this until all the Pax had rolled the dice.  Afterward, mosey back to the field to get some of the Beast. 6 exercises, 6 stops, 6 reps each stop.  Exercises:

  • Diamond merkins
  • Deep squats
  • Knee ups
  • Carolina dry docks
  • Jumping lunges
  • LBCs

Mosey back to parking lot for COT.


  • Despite starting the Pax off with 10 burpees on the roughest parking lot in Area 51, Boutique had some nerves in his inaugural Q (like calling for dips when he meant squats).  However, he knew he had planned for sufficient pain and he didn’t let the early falter stop him.  Plus, who isn’t nervous that first time out?
  • The 100s were a definite crowd pleaser and all the Pax were dripping with sweat by the time we finished.  During the 100s, Philmont comes in very stealth-like, fresh from Stonehenge…nice double down brother…especially with the pain that HoneyBee had planned there.
  • The Ring of Fire was most unsavory.  Even with only 12, the bear crawls seemed to go on forever while the Pax sprinted around the circle.  Combine the bear crawls with the merkins and the upper body was definitely smoked.  The lunge walk/LBC sequence that followed was not much better, especially since we were constantly getting up from and down on the concrete.
  • This was the first appearance for the Demon Dice…and it seems to be a keeper.  There were complaints about whether the dice were altered in any way since we hit on calf raises the first two times, hit on wide-arm merkins three times and also on dollies three times, including one double…that’s 200 dollies (Radar would have been proud).
  • The Beast was painful as usual.  We ran the entire field stopping at each trash can for the exercise. SouthPaw spent most of the time out front…ahh to be young again. It seemed we were running out of time and that our 5th trip would be our last.  However, the Pax, led Mall Cop, pushed through the jumping lunges quickly, leaving us time to knock out the LBC sequence.  Because of the time, the LBCs were an audible from the Haze favorite…Groiners.  Good thing.
  • Strong work out there today men!  Kotters to Champagne, back from his calf injury…sorry about the back to back to calf raises…all in the roll of the dice.  Thanks to Baracus, Mall Cop and Champagne to coming out after breaking their HC to join YHC at Centurion on Friday.  Ok, YHC HC’d for them…but nonetheless.


  • F3Dads at Camp Thunderbird…check out the website.
  • 2nd round of t-shirt orders open a few more days.
  • Congrats to all our Area51 GRC brothers!  Awesome job men!!


About the author

Purple Haze author

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Iron Horse
10 years ago

Way to bring the pain Boutique. I think that was part of my lung that I left on the pavement with the image of the Area 51 logo. It was nice to have a little perspiration moving before Purple Haze barked out the suicides #Ismellfootball. Made it downtown to see the brothers post-GRC. Wow!

10 years ago

Great first Q Boutique – the ring of fire left me completely smoked even before the demon dice came out. Thanks for the sufficient beat down guys. PH – I guess that will teach me to HC and not make it huh?

Iron Horse – glad you made it down to see our brothers home, and it was great to meet you and endure the insane mugginess that was Pre Rock and Day Zero.

See you in the gloom.

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