We’re here to Pump…You Up! If you came to run you were at wrong site this morning…

We’re here to Pump…You Up! If you came to run you were at wrong site this morning…

Hans and Frans

The Thang:

30 PAX showed up in the Gloom at Skunkworks for yet another beat down.  Instead of spending a lot of time putting miles on our shoes, the Pax individually completed around 362 reps with kettle bells, 455 reps without along with some cardio mixed in.  Overall, 817 reps completed in 45 minutes.  Strong work today from the PAX and after a few of these routines we might be asked to join the Greek Gods on Mt. Olympus.


 SSH x 25

 IW x 25

 Slow Squat super set with Dead Lifts x 25

 Burpee Squat Thrusts with KB x 25


 Mosey to lower parking lot with Bell behind back

 Partner Up until 100 reps is reached

Exercise                                                                              Hill

 P1 -Overhead Press alternating w. 2 KB                 P2- Run up hill (15) Squats run back 

Flapjack until 100 reps reached

 P1 – Upright Row alternating w. 2 KB                      P2 – Backwards run up hill (15) Carolina dry-docks

Flapjack until 100 reps reached

 P1 – KB Swing                                                                    P2 – Bear Crawl up hill run back

Flapjack until 100 reps reached

 P1 – Bent over row both bells                                    P2 – Run up hill (20) Monkey Humpers run back

Flapjack until 100 reps reached

 P1 – Tricep Press with 1 KB                                          P2 – Lunge walk up hill run back

Flapjack until 100 reps reached

 P1 & P2 Partner Bicep curl 75 reps


Mosey with Bell back for COP/COT



Diamond Merkins x 30

Merkin Explosion x 15

LBC  x 25

Flutter x  15


 Lots of chatter from the PAX before the PAIN began, which was shortly squashed when we reached the KB burpee squat thrusts.  Thankfully, no one lost any teeth…needless-to-say those were PAINFUL. 

 Might need to rename this routine as the AUDIBLE since I was a little optimistic about the number of reps I had initially planned for, however thankful the PAX liked the idea of changing from 150 reps to 100.  Maybe next time we’ll shoot for the 150.

 T-Claps to the entire group.  It is always nice to see everyone pushing it to the limits and makes being a Q that much more satisfying.  Welcome 2 FNG’s Liquor-Cycle and Short Round, hopefully you liked the workout and we get to see more of you.  Actually, special T-Clap to Short Round who after the PAX broke off, came to me and said his job requires him to carry 80lbs bags all day and when asked if he’d return, he said “anything that can make me stronger like this will help me at work”- great attitude.

 Finally, retiring the name Queen B was overdue.  Our Queen B has officially gone through the metamorphosis process, earned his stripes and now known as THE NATIVE.  Now that we changed your name, you are required to come more than once a week!

 As always, thank you for letting me lead and I am grateful for the opportunity to work out with F3.  – The Hoff

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11 years ago

Don’t forget 51 Booty fundraiser tomorrow night at the The Lodge: http://f3nation.com/2013/07/22/hdhh-for-24-hob/ Help The Shore, Far Side and 49er push the F3 Booty Team into the top ten. Will they perform bar tricks for contributions? Come find out and bring the duckets.

I’ve heard rumors that there will be Runstopper Tossing in the back room. Unconfirmed at this point. Stay tuned.

Reply to  Tiger-Rag
11 years ago

Pin the tail on the Donkey Kong?

11 years ago

Look forward to seeing The Shore at HDHH. Haven’t seen him since he came of the DL.

Good stuff this morning The Hoff. Always look forward to the change of pace that Skunkworks brings – and you certainly did not disappoint….even if your kettlebell does look like a christmas ornament in comparison to you.

11 years ago

“Runstopper tossing in the back room” has a completely different meaning in my country! More of a George Michael reference actually…

Nice lead Hoff and appreciate the name change shout too.

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