19 men gathered in the pre-dawn gloom for another chance to be sharpened on The Anvil, then, out of the gloom, 5 men marched in with their rucks on tight. Might have been serious, if not for the fact that they reminded the rest of us of those comedians from the 80s…
Warm-up Jog
- SSH x30
- Mountain Climbers x30
- Merkins x10
- Parker Peter x10
- Squat x20
- 20 Burpees (OYO)
Mosey to the Furnace (aka the covered picnic table patio)
- Pick-a-bench for 11s: Jump-Ups/Decline Merkins
- Combo: 20 1-Legged Squats (10 each leg)/30 Dips (Repeato x4)
Mosey and Backwards Jog to Mary’s Playground
- Circuit of 20 Swing-set Donkey Kicks/30 Flutter kicks/30 LBCs (Repeato x4)
Mosey/Karaoke R/Karaoke L/Mosey to the Hoops
- Combo: 10 Jump Squats/20 Merkins (Repeato x2)
- Combo: 10 Turkish Getups/20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg) (Repeato x2)
Mosey then jailbreak to COT
Naked Moleskine:
- Props to the goruckers today. Not only did they keep up with the rest of the group, but they did it as a unit. #doublewin
- Strong work by the group today, especially after a double-round of exercises in the furnace. #noair #cantbreathe #sweatbox
- HDHH: 1800 hours at Vitners. Potential for moving offsite to Busch’s house once the crew has assembled. #pubcrawl
- Pig Pickin’ Saturday – check your email or see Bugeater for details
- The first batch of Area51 T-shirts have arrived – check your email for pick-up options or negotiate separate arrangements with Mallcop directly.
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