Thirty two men, including two FNGs, postponed their vacations to squeeze in one more Skunk before hitting the beach. The have the fever and there’s only one cure: more kettlebell.
Didn’t feel like the Q had the A game going for the Pax today–didn’t feel the usual creative juices flowing, so I was going to make up for lack of creativity with lack of common decency and just two-hand swing us all into a trip to the chiropractor. But even that was didn’t work out as planned, as only 3 of 32 made it through the 3rd of 4th round up the pyramid (the plan was to go up to 100, then back down to 40 in 20-count increments). So everything after the 80 swings–10 minutes in–was pretty much improvised on the spot. It happens. They can’t all be “Mandy.” Sometimes you have to suffer “Weekend in New England,” too. Still, there were many strong performances out there this morning, most notably by Wolfman’s lower GI tract. #walkingfarts Glad to have Fishwrap join us in the 51 gloom, meeting his EH, Inky, the newest and most exquisitely tatted Pax in A51. Probably not the best idea to borrow one of ‘Wraps bells the first time out. He’s a bit freakish, you know. Also welcome to FNG Clown Car, another Hempstead resident kidnapped from his house and stuffed in the back of M-Bananas’ minivan. With as many clowns as that car has hauled, that’s got to be one foul smelling van. Skunk-like, even. ANNOUNCEMENTS
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