Gunga Galunga

Gunga Galunga

36 pax including 6 FNGs posted for a downPAINment and dodged Spackler’s explosive booby traps while learning to say Gunga Galunga in the process.  Here’s a video of our Spackler explaining to the pax where he learned the phrase:


Spakler’s Lead:


SSH x 20
Imperial Walker x 20
Merkin x 20
Squats x 20
Partner up for some Joe Hendrick’s:
  • Partner 1 planks
  • Partner 2 jumps over and backwards belly crawls back up- X5, flapjack. Continue ladder down to X1
 Keep same partners for circuit training

  • Partner 1
  •    Bear Crawl 15 yards and Sprint 50 yrds and all the way back
  • Partner 2
  •    Merkins until partner returns



  • P-1
  •   Bear Crawl 15 yards and Sprint 50 yrds and all the way back
  • P-2
  •   Burpees until partner returns



  • P-1
  •   Bear Crawl 15 yards and Sprint 50 yrds and all the way back
  • P-2
  •   Legs 6 inches until partner returns

Mall Cop Lead:

Turn Around 180 degrees to face hill for a regular Jacob’s Ladder up to 7 burpees at top.

Mosey across campus to the entrance 4 hill for:

#1  Partner 1 lunge walk down hill / backwards lunge walk up hill.  Partner 2 Squats at top of hill until P1 is done.  Flapjack

#2  Partner 1 bear crawl down hill / backwards bear crawl up hill.  Partner 2 merkins at top of hill until P1 is done.  Flapjack.

Mosey to baseball field home plate.  Partner 1 sprint to left field for 10 burpees, sprint to right field for 10 burpees, sprint back home for 10 burpees.  Partner 2 follows suit but starts with 10 burpees at home plate and finishes with their sprint from left field back to home so everyone finishes at the same time.

Mosey to left field fowl line for a modified “Running 8 MOM”.

Start with 30 Flutters on left field line, sprint to right center field fence for 30 LBC’s, sprint back to left field foul line for 30 Dollies, then do Peter Parkers until everyone is done.

That was so fun let’s do it again!  Repeat!

Jail break from baseball field to shovel flag for COT.


Great work by the Pax today and great work by first time Q Spackler!  Qing a workout is fun, exhilarating, and addictive.  If you have been posting to F3 workouts for 2 months then you are more than ready to step up and give it a try yourself.  Any interested pax let myself, Run Stopper, or Hops know and we’ll help coach you and get you on the schedule.  Well, really just ask any of the site Q’s for any of the workouts you go to and they would love to have you jump into the Q mix.

It was great having 3 more FNGs out today, great work by Rudy, Norris, Milkshake, Clowney, Juggles, and out other FNG.  We hope to see you back out at many more F3 workouts in the future.

Special recognition going out today to Strange Brew who continues to turn it on and is becoming a strong, fast beast out in all the workouts.  YHC had to shift gears and give it everything I had just to beat him to the line during the jail break back to the shovel flag at the end!  And this was after he led a 30 min gear strength “Pre-Workout” at The Rock.  Strong brother, Strong!


-Order your Area 51 shirt by end of day Sunday, 6/23, for the first batch of ordering.

-RSVP / Sign-up for the Pig Pickin Area 51 family party on 7/13 at Olde Providence School baseball fields.  Evite from Bugeater.

Until Next Time!

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Mall Cop author

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Strange Brew
11 years ago

I thought it was just me against me…I guess I still won! I’ll get you next time though Mall Cop, a few more Fast Twitches away from catching up.

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