MTB Summer Series

MTB Summer Series

The Premise:  Hit the various mountain biking trails in the various F3 Regions.

  • When:  Sunday afternoons in the summer, times TBD.
  • Rotating Qs:  I’ll eat the cobwebs and go first.  Other interested MTB gear-heads ping me at and we can get a schedule together.
  • Rotating Sites: First week–this Sunday June 23, in Area 51–at Beatty Park.  Meet at the Pavilion near the lake around 2:45.  Go time at 3 pm.  Future ride sites TBD but likely candidates include USNWC, Sherman Branch, Renaissance, Rocky River, and others.  You Q your “home” course.
  • Skill Level:  Like any other F3 gathering, there will be mixed levels of fitness, technical ability and, ahem, equipment.  We’ll likely group up so that dirt-eating, trail-rash types can get after it, while the #GreenwayGrannies can follow the dust cloud with some quality 2nd F.
  • Communication:  There may not be a preblast every week.  We’ll post a tentative schedule of  locations for reference and then will go forward with a Tweet & Meet format.  Follow @tigerragF3 and I’ll do my best to post info Saturday for the next day’s ride, or at least link up to whoever is Qing that week’s ride.
  • Weather:  Since most trails are typically closed 24 hours after a significant rain, the Tweet & Meet format will be key.  Get on the twitterz.  We’ll also need to crowd-source trail closings so we don’t all show at a locked parking lot.  I’ve done that.

Post questions in comments, or send an email or tweet.

About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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Purple Crayon
11 years ago

I’m in when possible.

11 years ago

Count me in.

11 years ago

I’m in when available and would help Q Sherman Branch

Purple Crayon
11 years ago

Gris is in.

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