Wranglers and Runners

Wranglers and Runners

16 courageous wranglers showed up for an early morning three-legged rodeo, kicking off from the gloom at South Charlotte Middle.

The Thang:

Lift off at 5:15 with lap around the parking lot mixing it up with some sprinting, high knees, butt kicks, and a round of burpees x 10. Set off on 3-leg rodeo:

Leg 1: Cowboy Run through Rain Tree

Corral down at end of parking lot to organize for the Cowboy run.  As opposed to an Indian run, with a Cowboy run YHC stays out in front to lead the pax down the dark neighborhood streets while varying the pace to keep it interesting.  What started out as a nicely organized 2-line cowboy run gradually spread apart into a thundering herd of PAX huffing, puffing, sweating and sprinting through the dark hilly streets of Rain Tree like the pack of thoroughbreds on the backstretch of Churchill Downs.

Corral for merkins at Raintree: 20 merkins + plank-o-rama

Cowboy run continues down Windbluff to Shallowood

Corral for burpee break: 10 burpees + plank-o-rama

Cowboy run finishes up to Providence Rd, covering 1.6 miles in total.

Leg 2: Hill from Hell

Sprint down Providence toward High Ridge, turnaround and sprint back up for total of 1 mile.  (1/2 mile down, 1/2 mile back up).  Meet at Church at top for round of 50 squats.

Leg 3: Tour de Arboretum

Run back down Windbluff, cut into woods, winding around pond and park, up the hill into the back lots of the Arboretum, stopping for some incline merkins at top.  Window shopping tour all the way down to the ABC store in the back.  Plank-o-rama. Grab some hill, sprint up for burpees x 10, back down for squats x 20.   YHC realizes we’ve barely got time to get back to the stables by 6am so… jailbreak down 51 back to the South Charlotte Middle.

Total Distance of all 3 legs: 4.2 – 4.4 miles depending on how far you went down Providence Road.

Circle up for Mary:  Flutter Kicks x 20, LBCs x 21.


Great mix of runners out there today from thoroughbreds to clydesdales.   We had a bit more distance today than usual, but kept it interesting by mixing in the recovery breaks to allow the clydesdales to stay with the pack while keeping the thoroughbreds honest with a little extra downpainment as a reward for being out in front.   Mixing it up with the shorter sprints, moderate runs across varied terrain and “recovery burpees” helps to stretch the lungs and build cardiovascular endurance.

Not too much chatter from the pax amid all the winded huffing, though I could swear I heard some snorting and neighing in the middle of the herd on the Cowboy Run. Joker, 49er and Road Rash took the hill by storm churning out a breakneck pace both down and up #speeddemons. Brew busted out the red cape at the end and I swore he was ready to fly away like superman after COT.

Despite the option to do rounds of squats/merkins instead of the hill, all pax opted to run the Hill from Hell, and kept up a solid pace to boot.  Really enjoyed leading the group today who all put in a tremendous effort – thanks for coming out!


  • Congrats to Spackler on his new 2.0 arrival last night.  (though we suspect M.Spackler did most of the work) – great job on posting this morning!
  • New Wednesday workout ‘Anvil’ starts tomorrow at the Rock (Calvary Church) with Younglove and Baracus on Q.  Death Valley and The Maul continuing as usual.
  • Double-down opportunity today being led by 49er – considering an evening run after work… look for details in the comments below.


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Turkey Leg author

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11 years ago

I did enjoy Brew’s cape, but doesn’t superman wear a shirt? But I suppose this heat and humidity can be tough on a Candadian.

Great effort today by all, with Fireman Ed, Dora and Strange Brew really pushing themselves.

Good to have Road Rash out with us… he brings our average age down into the upper 20s.

11 years ago

Another great lead today Leg! Nice to keep seeing new faces at FT.

For any BRR teammates, or anyone else who would like to enjoy a little extra humidity after work today meet at the greenway at Trader Joe’s (Devil’s Turn site) at 5:45pm for a MUCH slower pace run (3 to 6 miles or whatever you feel like). This will be a great double down opportunity for the BRR team or any other F3lla who posted somewhere this morning.

Purple Haze
11 years ago

I must say that the sprint to the front during the Cowboy run while we were already sprinting as a group was a definite #crusher. With it being a Cowboy run, I kept waiting for the call to “mosey”…but, alas, it never came. The burpee recovery…a definite oxymoron.

My favorite moment during the plank-o-rama was the battle between Baracus and Stagecoach for Pax to attend their respective workouts tomorrow morning…both of them promising unequivocally that there would be no running at either #F3DeathValley or #F3Anvil.

In front of the Walmart at the Arboretum, I noticed that it was only 5:45…and I couldn’t believe the amount of ground we had covered in just 30 minutes. #F3FastTwitch indeed…nice lead TL!

For some insane reason, I’ll be out on the greenway at 5:45. See you in the haze.

11 years ago

Clydesdale is too nice of a description for my running this morning. I felt more like a donkey out there. That was a #TUFF workout Leg. But I need it to be ready for the BRR.

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