Chewed Up and Spit Out

Chewed Up and Spit Out

8 brave men gathered in the parking lot at McAlpine Elementary School and made their way (some more graceful than others) through the slosh and into the gloom of the Proving Grounds.  Big League Chew got the start on the mound and, as promised, he delivered a steady diet of fastballs…after starting the game with a nasty slider, low and away.

The Thang:

Big League Chew Q

Down to the soggy field, which had just been aerated, for the warmup (or so the Pax thought):

  • 100 burpees (or as many as you can do in 7 minutes)

Mosey to the rock pile to grab a boulder then over to playground #1:

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 hanging knee raises
  • 10 jump squats (touch rock to the ground on the squat, then raise above the head on the jump)
  • 10 man maker merkins on the rock

Run to playground #2 with your rock and repeat.

Back to playground #1 and repeat.

Grab a partner and partner carry to 1st garbage can, flapjack to 2nd garbage can, flapjack to 3rd garbage can. Repeato back. 5 squat chaser for each partner at the end.

Grab your rock, circle up on your back for situps that you had to be there to see.  YHC cannot even describe them…but they hurt.

Purple Haze Q

Deposit your rock back on the pile then mosey to the track with your partner for a little Catch Me If You Can:

  • Round 1 – 10 merkins
  • Round 2 – 10 squats
  • Round 3 – 10 flutter kicks (each leg)

Run to the front of the school and grab some bench:

  • Step ups – 15, each leg
  • Dips – 15
  • Standing calf raises – 15
  • Plank
  • Repeato x2

Circle up in the parking lot for some Mary:

  • Dolly – 30 (cadence), hold it
  • Rosalita – 30 (cadence)
  • Knee ups – 15 (cadence)
  • CCVs – 15 (cadence), each side

Finish up with a little Indian run around the parking lot, jailbreak to the COT.


  • Big League Chew, despite showing up with a neon green watch that he probably got from inside a cereal box, came with a distinct purpose to make the Pax pay.  And pay they did.  The rock work was very unsavory…so much so that the partner carries were a welcome distraction.  Nice Day Zero Q debut BLC!
  • On the way down the hill to the proving grounds, YHC decided to take the fast route…sliding down right on the money maker.
  • T-claps to Tiger Rag for, after running to the Day Zero site from The Rock, knocking out 85 burpees during the opening 7 minutes.  He seems ready to issue a challenge to Runstopper and Bulldog.
  • Also T-claps to Tiger Rag and Big League Chew for the double down, showing up at Day Zero after a little kettlebell and rope of death work pre-The Rock.  And to Mighty Mite who hit up Stonehenge before joining the Day Zero painfest.
  • Welcome to FNG Mark E.  He’s Irish and likes to dance…River Dance it is!
  • Good work by all the Pax today.  Let’s continue to get the word out about Day Zero.


  • Check out the website for a new Monday morning kettlebell workout set to launch soon.  Don’t forget the Try Sports F3 sale, for those of you wanting to purchase kettlebells or other equipment.


About the author

Purple Haze author

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11 years ago

Great job. Next times, lets see who can keep a wad of Redman Select in their mouth and do this workout. I’m in!

Big League Chew
Reply to  Skywalker
11 years ago

I can make that happen Skywalker. Also my green watch came out of a pouch of BLC sour apple…goood stuff

11 years ago

OK, so if you are going to make it happen, let’s do it with something good like Redman Select.

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