F3 Dads

F3 Dads

The Thang:

Mosey up to the softball fields to the launch pad for COP:

SSH X 15

Mountain Climbers X 15

Squat X 15

Merkin X 5

Mosey to outfiled of softball field  – split up into 4 groups.  Had 4 stations going…1) 10lbc’s  2) 5 squats holding as many kids as you brought 3) 10 SSH  4) 5 merkins with your kids on your back.  in between each station, run 20 yards and do 3 burpees.  Rinse and Repeat

played a game of duck, duck, goose while in the plank position

mosey down to the play ground and split up into 4 teams again.  Stations… 1) 5 pullups  2) 10 step ups on bench 3) 15 LBC’s  4) 5 declined merkins.  Rinse and repeat

mosey down towards lake near small field.  split into 2 teams – one team jogged around the field twice while the team on the field played freeese tag.  when you were tagged you had to plank unitl you were unfrozen.  Flap jack.


We then split up into 4 teams and one Dad from each team was instructed to go to his car to retrieve his smart phone.  We were ready for the scavenger hunt!  we finished up with each team having to pose for these photos (2.0″s and Dads!)…  LBC’s in left field, wheel barrow you r2.0 in right field, SSH in center field, piggy back squat on your Dad at home plate, plank with shovel flag as your back ground, human pyramid w lake in background, eberyone stand on one leg on picnic table, everyone on the slide at once. 


Great fun was had by all!  Kuddos to Turkey Leg for sneaking his 5 month old out of the house for a nice F3 workout!  We look forward to seeing yuo all this Saturday with Stone Cold as Q!

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Header author

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Strange Brew
11 years ago

Great job header, had a great time, my 2.0 did also, about half way through the star as we were going to the middle to do burpees he opined saying, “burpees again?”, I thought half the F3 dads were going to crack up, anyway, well done, definitely a crowd pleaser and great turn out.

Stage Coach
11 years ago

Awesome work Header. All the kids looked to be having a great time. Wonder how many of the 2.0’s had to rub down with Icy-Hot afterward??

Stone Cold
11 years ago

Great time last Sat at F3/Dads! Thanks Header for Qing. Lesson Learned: never play duck duck goose with a NFL DT. #walkeddown had to explain that one to my 2.0

Stone Cold
Reply to  Stone Cold
11 years ago

Correction: a NFL DE! (sorry Psycho T), anyway same result! #walkeddown!

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