22 (1 FNG) eager men gathered in the shadow of CCHS for an early morning workout.
The Thang:
Mosy to Benches at front of CCHS
Rinse and repeat 3x
Jog to front entrance of CCHS, Number off 1, 2, 3, 4
Rinse and repeat 3x
1 mile cool – down jog to Carmel Rd via Little Ave. to Carmel Village Shopping Ctr. Run up two flights of stairs and around perimeter down stairs to parking lot.
Repeat 2x
Jog from Carmel Village Shopping Ctr to CCHS via Pineville Matthews Rd.
Naked Moleskin:
Classic moment when we were wall walking (yes on our hands) along the entrance of the CCHS academic building, when a passer-by (assistant principal) said ” Wall Walkers are INSANE’ nuff said!
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