Eighteen pax proved, for the second day in a row, that you don’t have to travel far to experience infarction-like sensations.
WARM UP (Courtesy of Dora. #starfish)
- Mosey to Warm Up Spot
- SSH x 25
- I Wokkas x 25
- Merkins x 15
- Squats x 15
- Start mosey back to plates and hill
- Lung walk approx 75 yards to get legs nice and loose.
Line up 2 or 3 deep behind a plate for #hairburners.
- Hairburners, Round 1: 30 yards and back. Repeat until all 2-pax teams go 3 times, and 3 pax teams go twice. Merkins and flutters while we you wait.
- Hill Work, Round 1: Hill sprint / backwards sprint / karaoke left / karaoke right / bounding sprint
- Hairburners, Round 2. Same as Round 1
- Hill Work, Round 2: Hill Sprint x 2 / backwards sprint x 2 / karaoke L,R x 2 (**) / bounding sprint x 2 (**)
- Inch Worms x 10 yards and back. Various Mary while waiting.
- Pax Choice–More Hill Work: walking lunge / backwards lunge / hill sprint–all you got–x 3
- Hairburners, Round 3: 2 more times for all pax, x 30 yards and back.
- Groans from assorted Pax when the plates came out. Purposely waited until 0529 to show my hand lest anyone have a crisis of conscience and bug out. It was either Patton or Lombardi (or both) who said, Hairburners make cowards of us all. Or something like that.
- Lesson learned on from last week’s Massacre on Steep Dewy Hill. Less Steep, Dewy Hill works much better. Is that the LSD hill, you say? Could be….
- Why is it that we are compelled to name hills anyway? Not unlike Adam in asserting dominion over creation and naming the animals…. #federalheadship #roguetheology
- Don’t look now, fellas, but Mic Check is all up in it. Has he missed a workout since he was EH’d? He was the only one to come back for more after yesterday’s aggravated battery at Skunk.
- Lots of Kryptonite in those plates. Reports of baby birds being fed, but didn’t see, hear or smell, so cannot confirm.
- Haggis is #whiskeydicking around the twitter-verse. Go mock him here @Haggis_F3 before he figures out how to fight back.
- Uncle Leo: 6′-8″ with the afro.
(**) Indicates fuzzy recollection of doing something along these lines, if not exactly the thing listed.
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