Back to Basics — Feel The Burn!

  • When:04/03/13
  • QIC: Zip-A-Dee
  • The PAX: Hops, Bananas, Abacus, Salt Lick, Baked Beans, Good Hands, Coal Miner's Daughter, Cheese Curd, Market Timer, Thin Crust, Nordstrom, Hammer, Fireman Ed, Brown, Smash, Lobster Tail, Wolfman, Double D's, Honey Bee, Skywalker, Bulldog, Brisket, Frost Bite, ABBA, Tiger Rag, Spiller, Lex Luthor, Radar, Donkey Kong, Runstopper, Rhapsody, Monkey Joe, Zip-A-Dee

Back to Basics — Feel The Burn!

33 Death Valley faithful posted around the VSF and got after their mid week downPAINment.  After a day of slinging dumbbells around (shoulders, bi’s & tri’s) and playing Double Dutch jump rope with one another (I swear I even so a few of the PAX playing hopscotch yesterday), it was time to get back to our roots for some old fashioned cardio-burn!

 the Thang:

Run down to the track for a quick circuit .

50x SSH

20x Imperial “WANKERS” in our best accents from across the pond

15x Merkins

20x LBCs – hold – 20x Dollies – hold – 20x Flutters – hold – 20x Rosalitas – hold


HOOPS work (a.k.a Basketball):

Mosey to Basketball Courts for 11s – Jump Squats and Merkins (run width of 2 courts between each set of exercises) – Plank

“Burpee Suicides” – 7x – Plank

Bear crawl length – Run back – 5 burpees

 Rail Work:

Mosey down to the ball field(s) to the rails for “Supine Pull Up Ladder” – crowd pleaser

10x inboard – 8x inboard – 6x inboard – 4x inboard – 10x inboard

 Field work:

Mosey to field for “Burpee Merkins”

Sprint to mid field and back (100 yards) – 5 merkins – Plank

Sprint full length of field and back (200 yards) – 5 merkins – Plank  in the interest of time, we had to scratch this segment but wanted to ensure we got the full effect with the final 2.

Sprint to mid field and back and full length and back (300 yards) – 5 merkins


Sprint full length and back 2x (400 yards) – 5 merkins – Plank

Mosey back to Bball Courts / Parking Lot for COT


_Large showing today with a PAX of 33 arriving in the gloom – QIC thought about splitting up the PAX into 2 groups but was beat down with mutiny stating “We come as a group, we work out as a group and we leave as a group”.  Nuff said!

_Great to see Skywalker making a strong comeback off the DL and bringing it strong…

_Strong showing by Donkey Kong once again, brother continues to just bring it day in and day out, ruck no ruck, rain no rain etc… Donkey Kong don’t care, he don’t give a ……!!!!!!! – great to have you out.

_Tclaps to Bulldog and Run Stopper playing the rabbits throughout the workout. #too fast for me – sorry TR but you only get an honorable mention this go round. Especially since you were caught vacationing during COP – Have to give respect to HOPs, Cheese Kurd and (Abacus, Smash, Lex Luthor, Hammer, Wolfman etc….), you boys were flying out there.

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11 years ago

Great Q Zippidy (I now know how to spell your moniker correctly).
Jump squats are just painful…especially 55 of them with sprints in between.
As for on the “basketball court”? only about 10 of the 33 were on the court – the rest of the pax were planking and merkining (sp?) on gravel, grass and glass #newkindofpain
Still say DK could do with a new moniker – Funky Kong or perhaps Honey Badger!

11 years ago

In the song it’s spelled, Zip-A-Dee (as he spells it in the QIC tab). The IT team let us down on the this one…

Zip needs to check his specs…Didn’t see who was on the grass during the 11’s: I will always be behind the head bobbers and little baby jump squatters and I’m okay with that. #focusonform. But it was awfully lonely at the front with Bulldog and Rhapsody during burpee suicides and the field sprints. #larrybirds #lotsofplanking

11 years ago

Nice Q there Zip-A-Dee! Who needs 2 Q’s when Duda is running the show! Total lung buster. I’m with you pal as I really didn’t see TR at all during the suicides on the field…the boy Rhapsody was flying though. Thanks for a great workout. My Dad really enjoyed it too (Double D’s)

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