Notice and Disclaimer: Hair Will be Burned

  • When:01/22/13
  • QIC: Tiger Rag
  • The PAX: Stone Cold, Dirt Track, Zip-A-Dee, Cheese Curd, Harley, Crab Cake, Skinner, THE Nibbler (Kotters), Bulldog, Header, Monkey Joe, Strange Brew, Stage Coach, Ray Charles, Countertop, Smash, Young Love, TR

Notice and Disclaimer: Hair Will be Burned

Eighteen Pax were duly notified and disclaimed:

Your workout leader, while a stud in his own right, is a rank amateur.  His training is comprised of  watching You Tube videos and reading fitness articles from Self magazine.  It’s dark–you may fall down.  It’s cold–you may pull a muscle or twelve.  You’re old–but you think you’re young.  You’re not.  Past performance does not indicate future results.  People can, and do, lose money, dignity, and health.  Remove shirt before ironing.  In the event of death, discontinue exercising immediately.

Asking for objections to proceed, and hearing none, we commenced to warming up:

  • Little Baby Jog to lower lot
  • SSH x 20
  • Notice to latecomers: you might get hurt.  Go home.
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • Merkins x 20
  • Peter Parkers x20
  • Squats x 20 (Low and Slow)
  • Run Hill 4 times: Regular, backwards, karaoke left, karaoke right
  • Plank to 6″
  • 6″ right leg up, 6″ left log up
  • Bear crawl across road (Disclaimer: you might get hurt if hit by a vehicle)
  • Little baby jog back to bells.


Round 1 – Divide into teams of 4 max

  • Pax 1: Hairburner–2 x 25 yards
  • Pax 2: Two-handed swing
  • Pax 3: 2 KB Racked Squat
  • Pax 4: KB Mason twist

Repeat for 4 cycles.

Round 2 – Switch teams, 4 max.

  • Pax 1: Hairburner–2 x 25 yards
  • Pax 2: Alternating clean and press
  • Pax 3: 2 KB alternating lunges
  • Pax 4: KB Louganis

Repeat for 4 cycles.


  • 2-handed swing x 40
  • Goblet squat jump x 20
  • 1-handed swing x 20
  • Other-handed swing x 20
  • DISCLAIMER: You will probably get hurt on the next set. Quit now.
  • 2-handed swing x 60




  • It’s been too long since the Skunk PAx burned hair so we made up for lost opportunities with a bountiful 30+ minutes.  Many Hairburner FNGs on the course today–from Curd’s zig zagging about the parking lot to Zip-A-Dee’s Kimodo dragon style push. Quoth TD:  “There’s something special about having your head below your heart.”   True dat.  Judging from the Pax this morning, there’s also something special about laying on the pavement after a Hairburner, hoping your heart doesn’t explode.
  • Kotters to The Nibbler (“Nibbler!”).  It’s assumed that by virtue of his return to Skunk that YHC’s transgressions of the inaugural Ol’ St Nib Campaign have been put to rest.  No bro hugs needed–I feel ya.  Welcome back, Nibbster Bunny.
  • Ruck fatigue?  None spotted.


  • Please make yourself familiar with the Notice and Disclaimer on the website:  LINK .  
  • Nibbler’s Mobile Retail Unit is heavy with Gloom Gear.  Pick up or buy the extra KBs before his brakes and suspension go out.  #Lowrider.
  • The SCLT Quiver is full:  Friday Workout–Kevlar–launches this Friday, Jan 25 at 0545.  Meet at Covenant Day HS Parking lot:  174 Covenant Church Lane, Matthews (same spot as Skunk Works).  Qs are Bulldog [sic] and Short Sale.  Looks like perfect weather, too: 29 and rain.  #Cantore.  You have a choice Friday morning: be a man, or be a boy.
  • Please continue to pray for The Shore and his family re his father’s cancer.

Luke 12:48:  Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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11 years ago

The problem of being a QIC for the inaugural launch of a new workout is that one must man up even if the weather is horrible…….
Sounded like a good workout this morning, TR. Am sorry I missed it.

Stone Cold
11 years ago

Oh, the Hairburner, how we’ve missed you. I’m having trouble getting up stairs now. Great workout this am, TR. Ruck fatigue, check. Laying on pavement after Hairburner, check and return of Nibbla! Check! A full day for sure.

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