On behalf of O’Tannenbaum…
Great group of 22 men this morning.
That Thang
After a brief 3 minute warm up, we launched into a circuit that included running laps around the track with brief interruptions of “curb hoppers”, decline push ups (merkins/murkins), and “little baby dips”. With about 15 minutes left, we cooled down with Abs and a little more running.
Nakedman Moleskin
Besides some scary morning hair and “sheet” lines of faces from guys whose head was not far from the pillow, I was too tired to notice anything extraordinary; however, two things that jump out:
1) Not a lot of talking after the first two laps, maybe I just couldn’t hear? And,
2) Through the gloom, during the conditioning circuit, I did notice various silhouettes of grown men with backpacks lagging behind, not talking….
Thanks for your support during my inaugural role as your leader.
More Mole
#tclaps to O’Tannenbaum on his maiden Q voyage. Extra #tclaps for showing up with “COACH SHANAHAN” emblazoned across the back of his shirt — felt like 7th grade all over again.
Just to be sure we didn’t lose that 7th grade feeling, Q had us launch into the “I don’t know what these are called but it goes like this” exercise. Hey, Coach, that’s called a ‘windmill!’ #oldskool
Coach’s Ladder (lap, 10x curb hopper (getup jumps), 10x derkins, 10x LBDs) 10 to 1 was a smoker and kept the pax in motion for most of the workout. Very well done, Q!
LBD? What’s a “little baby dip?” Well, that’s a dip done off the edge of the curb…quite possibly the shortest dip movement ever performed.
GRC complement: 2 rucks in attendance. Hey, guys, if you wanna know how much is in the ruck, just grab it off their backs and take it for a spin. Guaranteed good livin’. Take a coupon with you when you go.
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