Sprints & Burpees – Stage Coach Likes To Sprint Pulling The Wagon, Not Ride

  • When:12/08/12
  • QIC: Stage Coach, Mall Cop
  • The PAX: Donkey Kong (Ruck), Salt Lick, Big League Chew, Stone Cold (Ruck), Haggis, Sickle, Ice Hole, Hops, Ray Charles, Lost Weekend, Cheese Curd, Bug Eater, Skinner, Strange Brew, Run Stopper, Hacker, Shuffle, Dora (Ruck), Stage Coach, Rickshaw - FNG (Stage Coach 2.0), Mall Cop

Sprints & Burpees – Stage Coach Likes To Sprint Pulling The Wagon, Not Ride

21 Pax posted in the Gloom to make a downPAINment on the day and participate in Stage Coach’s virgo Q.


Stage Coach Lead:

Jog around parking lot over to soccer fields
Serpentine the length of field x 2 (down and back) – jog fwd, karaoke sideways, backpedal bkwd
SSH x 25
Seal Jacks x 25
1 legged Burpees 5R/5L
Jack Webb’s (Merkin and air military press combo) x 10 sets (55 of each)
Open the gate – 1/3 field
Close the gate – 1/3 field
Lunge walk – 1/3 field
Jog back to starting point

Partner up:
Partner A – Rapid line hopping
Partner B – Suicide sprint

Elevens – Diamond merkins, Dying cockroaches (yes, that’s 55 of each!)

Partner A – Stationary lunge jumps
Partner B – Suicide sprint

South Cakilacky Railroad – 2 teams;  1st time practice, 2nd time race (losing team 5 burpees)

Pass the baton to Mall Cop:

Jog from soccer pitches to baseball field with lunge walks in between.

Line up along left outfield foul line, 10 burpees, run to center field, 10 burpees, run to right field foul line 10 burpees.  Plank it up when done.

Rinse and repeat for more burpees and sprints from right field to left field.

Mosey to Entrance 4 hill for: 5 burpees, run down hill, run back up, run down hill, bear crawl up, 5 burpees, then perform squats (not planks) while we wait.

Audible by Ray Charles to run to 10 ft  boulder for Rock climbs with all pax working together to go up and over.

Mosey back to baseball out field for 6 MOM:

First Exercise is, 5 Burpees!

Flutter x 15, Rosalita x 15, LBC to right x 15, LBC to left x 15, Peter Parker

Last Exercise is, 10 Burpees!

Short Indian Run back to the shovel flag. (audible by Donkee Kong)



T-Claps to Stage Coach for his first Q!  His energy, enthusiasm, and counting in cadence was awesome as he is a natural Q.  Well done Brother, hope to see you Qing on a regular basis.  Even though Stage Coach debuted as Q, his 2.0 (Rickshaw) left him in a trail of dust.

T-Claps to the Ruck crew who posted today (Donkey Kong, Stone Cold, & Dora) as this was not a Ruck friendly workout.  I hope the back of your heads aren’t too bruised from all the Burpees.

Speaking of Burpees, YHC was on a mission today to make sure we performed 100!  I had visions of the Ghost of Christmas McGee’s past post, as everyone knows he loves his 100 Burpees.  It just sounded like a fun way to suffer in this mornings Gloom.  T-Claps as Runstopper set the pace for the sprints and Burpees, as usual.

Nice audible by Ray Charles to climb the rock at #TheRock.  It is always a great exercise for the Pax to work together in team work, and its a lot of fun!  Donkey Kong, nice audible on the Indian Run, sorry we didn’t have a longer run to get back for the COT.

YHC heard plenty of rumbling from PAX… During Stage Coach’s half, something like did someone pee in his cereal???  And for YHC’s half, No more Burpees Mall Cop!  What’s gotten into you?  We hope everyone got their money’s worth today as YHC is spent.



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11 years ago

Nice work Stagecoach and MallCop. Glad the seal jack and South Cackalacky RR were introduced to The Rock. Nice call Stagecoach – definitely a natural QIC!
MallCop: the bear crawl up the hill was just plain cruel — loved it!

11 years ago

Man, what a workout! Sorry I missed Stagecoach’s Virgo Q. Sounds like he did a great job. BTW, rumor has it that after that strong posting from Rickshaw this morning, he was lighting it up from the 3 point line in his U12 game today.

Stage Coach
11 years ago

Aye! Nice work by the entire PAX this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to serve as your QIC, along with Mall Cop.

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