Short Sale is a natural Q

  • When:11/28/12
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • The PAX: Header, Donkey Kong, 49er, Hops, Stone Cold, Harley, Countertop, Cheese Curd, Thin Crust, Haggis, Tiger Rag, Far Side, Young Love, Mall Cop, The Shore, Field of Dreams (DV FNG), Bug Eater, Wanker, Short Sale(Q), Stage Coach (DV FNG), Abacus, Monkey Joe, Uncle Leo and Coal Miner's Daughter, Busch

Short Sale is a natural Q

25 PAX posted this morning.  Clearly they didn’t know that YHC (Short Sale) was posted for his inaugural run as QIC.  Thanks for your support men.



·        Jog to lower football field

·        SSH x 20

·        Imperial Walkers x 20

·        Merkins x 20

·        Mountain climbers x 20

·        Some exercise the QIC can’t remember

Partner Mini-Murph

·        10 Merkins

·        20 LBC’s

·        20 Squats

·        1 lap around track – staying with your partner

Rinse & Repeat x3

·        Jog to bathroom building

·        Peoples Chair 90 sec

·        Merkins x20

·        Peoples Chair 60 secs

·        Merkins x20 (I think)

·        Peoples Chair x60

Jog to baseball fields & divide into two groups

·        First group Dips x20

·        Second group Australian (supine) Pull-ups x15

·        Rotate

·        Rinse & Repeat

Jog to bottom of hill and find partner from the mini-murph

·        Partner Carries up the Hill

·        Rinse & Repeat

Jog to parking lot for 10 MOM

·        LBC

·        Slow Count Flutter

·        Bicycle

·        Dolly

·        Rosalita in Spanish

·        Merkins x20

·        Burpees x5

COT for 30 seconds of more burpees


Plenty of headlamps kept the Pax running in the right direction this morning.  YHC heard lots of heavy breathing at the end of the Partner Mini-Murph and lots of “ughs” during the Peoples’ Chair – mission accomplished.

While the railings for the Australian pull-ups were too low to the ground for  full-range of motion for most of the PAX, Header reminded YHC that those who are more vertically challenged found the railing height quite suitable.  YHC was scolded by one member of the PAX after the workout for not announcing that the PAX should have picked partners of similar size which would have come in handy during the Partner Carries.   YHC did notice that Wanker and Header were struggling a little with their partner choices as they each made their way up the hill.

Triple claps to our 2 site FNG’s: Field of Dreams and Stagecoach.   Stagecoach ran a lengthy and detailed cost/benefit analysis in Excel and determined that a workout at Death Valley is more advantageous than working out with his personal trainer in a room full of ferns and Muzak.

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The Shore author

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12 years ago

Nice work Short Sale. had no doubt you’d display mad QIC skills.
Pretty sure Busch and his partner lapped us all during the mini-Murph.
Also – may have been a no show for Bolshoi today?
The cadence in Spanish during Rosalita was especially crowd-pleasing!
Good stuff.

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