The shovel flag was planted at 0520 and 19 (yes 19) of the strong and faithful joined up for the resurrection of our old friend, the Ciabatta with dumbbells downpainment.
The Thang:
Jog with weights to bottom o’ hill
SSH x 25
Imp Walker x 20
Shore Shoulders (lead by The Shore, Thx) 2 x 15
Lunges up the hill with dumbbells
5 Dumbbell Burpees
Backward lunges up the the w/ Dbs
5 Db burpees
Jog to wall
Weighted squat x 30sec
People’s chair x 30 sec
Repeat 3 more times for total of 4 mins
Merkins x 30 sec
Mission Impossible hold for 30sec
Repeat x 3
Dumbbell curls x 30 sec
Static hold x 30 sec
Repeat x 3
Low flutter kick x 30 sec
Hold 6 inches x 30 sec
Repeat x 3
Skull Crushers (tricep ext) x 30 sec
Hold 90 degrees x 30 sec
Repeat x 3
Dumbbell toe touches x 30 sec
Toe touch hold x 30 sec
Repeat x 3 (alternating legs)
Db Overhead press x 30 sec
Hold em high x 30 sec
Repeat x 3
(whew, makes me tired just typing it)
Plank and count off
As creative as we are at Skunk Works, every now and then, we’ll have to recycle and bring back on of our ol favorites, The Ciabatta with dumbbells. A crowd pleaser for sure! Good work, fellas, on sticking with this one…it’s a tough one.
Our resident strong man, Run Stopper, post with no weights so he got the honors of being left with 20 lbers. Strong brother!
Fire ant attack once again! Can’t seem to stay away from “their hill.”
Always great to see what the brotherhood brings to the dumbbell workout…the M’s Jane Fonda weights are popular for some. No gallon bleach jugs today though.
Good to see ya Sparky! Also Ocho Cinco durng the week, very nice.
Something tells me you will not want to miss next week at Skunk Works. Tiger Rag has somethng special in store for 9-11, AYE!
Devil’s Turn this week, bring a head lamp, we’re going trailblazing in the woods.
Charlotte South convergence at the launch of THE ROCK this coming Sat., Sept 8 at Calvary Church (corner of Rea Rd and Hw 51). Come on out and bring a friend.
Also, Oct 6th starting at 4pm at The Shore’s house is a F3 Area 51 family social event. Plan on being there, bring the M and kids.
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