I Was Told There Would Be No Running

  • When:07/17/12
  • QIC: Stone Cold
  • The PAX: Tiger Rag, Donkey Kong, Run Stopper, Ray Charles, Thin Crust, Mall Cop, Hops

I Was Told There Would Be No Running

“Buddy” Block

An elite Eight posted in the soggy gloom to explore off campus and play with blocks….

Run to Fields-3/4 mile

Grab a Cinder Block “Buddy”- overhead carry to COP

COP w/ block

Squat/Core x 20

Merkins- alternate on/off block x 15

Bicep Curls- sevens (21)

Tricep x 10- over head

Squat to press x 20

Decline merkins on block x 15

Bicep Curls x 10

Triceps x 10 on back

Abs w/ block

Sit-ups feet in block- x 25

On back holding block up- toes to block x 15

On back holding block up- knees to chest x 15


Block jumps- side to side 30 sec, then knee tuck over block 30 sec.

Block swings x 15

Block Bent rows x 15

Block curls from Hades

Run block back overhead to shed


Indian run back to Hwy 51; sprint to COT

Plank and stretches


Naked man Moleskin:

1.  Ok, what is up with Pretty Boy QB fartsacking after headlocking Ray Charles for Skunk Works….you’ll hear about this for some time to come Pretty boy!

2.  T-claps for both Mall Cop (starting to find his groove) and Thin Crust for a strong post this am.  Keep it up, Brothers!

3. Found a weakness in Run Stopper (finally); the Buddy Block swings proved to be tough to get between his spring loaded stumps.

4.  Pax, check you fore arms for the “cinder block” rash.  YHC is seeing it.


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Stone Cold author

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Mall Cop
12 years ago

Stone Cold, Awesome workout today brother! This one might have to find it’s way into the rotation.

I especially enjoyed the strong man circus entertainment prior to running the blocks back overhead to the shed by Donkey Kong and Tiger Rag! Holding your entire weight off the ground horizontally by balancing on a concrete block with just your hands is #STRONG!

Reply to  Mall Cop
12 years ago

that is some manly stuff brothers! i was going to join this morning but I couldn’t find my water resistant yoga mat. i look forward to getting back out for skunk works in the near future.

12 years ago

Pretty Boy QB – deep concerns about his manliness…more to come on that. Good stuff Stone Cold! Cinder block rash in full effect. Aye!

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