An elite Eight posted in the soggy gloom to explore off campus and play with blocks….
Run to Fields-3/4 mile
Grab a Cinder Block “Buddy”- overhead carry to COP
COP w/ block
Squat/Core x 20
Merkins- alternate on/off block x 15
Bicep Curls- sevens (21)
Tricep x 10- over head
Squat to press x 20
Decline merkins on block x 15
Bicep Curls x 10
Triceps x 10 on back
Abs w/ block
Sit-ups feet in block- x 25
On back holding block up- toes to block x 15
On back holding block up- knees to chest x 15
Block jumps- side to side 30 sec, then knee tuck over block 30 sec.
Block swings x 15
Block Bent rows x 15
Block curls from Hades
Run block back overhead to shed
Indian run back to Hwy 51; sprint to COT
Plank and stretches
Naked man Moleskin:
1. Ok, what is up with Pretty Boy QB fartsacking after headlocking Ray Charles for Skunk Works….you’ll hear about this for some time to come Pretty boy!
2. T-claps for both Mall Cop (starting to find his groove) and Thin Crust for a strong post this am. Keep it up, Brothers!
3. Found a weakness in Run Stopper (finally); the Buddy Block swings proved to be tough to get between his spring loaded stumps.
4. Pax, check you fore arms for the “cinder block” rash. YHC is seeing it.
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