Fun With Dumbbells

  • When:06/26/12
  • QIC: Stone Cold
  • The PAX: The Shore; Callaway; Runstopper; Pretty Boy Quarterback; The Nibbler; Ray Charles; Donkey Kong; Goose; 49er; Thin Crust; Countertop; Sparky; Quarter Pounder; Tiger Rag; Stone Cold (QIC)

Fun With Dumbbells

Fifteen of the faithful gathered around the VSF for a Stone Cold beat down.



Warm Up

  • 1/3 mile jog
  • SSH x 30
  • I-Walkers x 25
  • Groiners x 10


Century Set

  • Squat  to Jump Knee Tucks x 100 (3 min cap) – CROWD PLEASER


Main Course

  • Dumbbell Run to Fields x 1/2 mile
  • DB Merkins x 15
  • Run Hill
  • DB Lateral Lunges x 10 ea side
  • Run Hill
  • DB Wide Merkins x 15
  • Run Hill
  • DB Stock Boys x 10 ea side
  • Run Hill
  • DB Military Merkins
  • Run Hill
  • DB One-legged Squats x 10 ea side
  • Run Hill
  • DB Burpees x 10
  • Dry Docks x 15
  • DB Tri Kickbacks x 12
  • DB Hammer Curl to Overhead Press x 10
  • DB Shoulder Lateral Raise x 10


(Undetermined Amount) of Mary

  • Regular Plank
  • Right Arm Up, Right Leg Up, Right Leg Down
  • Regular Plank
  • Left Arm Up, Left Leg Up, Left Leg Down
  • Regular Plank
  • DB Cumberland County Viaducts x 10 ea side
  • Recumbent Freddies x 15
  • Figure 8’s x 10



  • DB Run to Lot x 1/2 mile
  • DB Planks: Right arm up, Left Arm Up
  • Squat to Jump Knee Tucks x 1 min – ENCORE!





  • The Pax responded to the logistical site challenges  and posted 15 strong today.  Tclaps all around.
  • The Burpee may be the Perfect Exercise, but the Squat to Jump Knee Tuck is not far behind: an exercise that takes you from Resting Heart Rate to Infarction in about 15 seconds.  100 in under 3 minutes is just nasty.  After about two minutes, the unaware passerby could have reasonably assumed, “There be a circle of fools trying to squash cockroaches.”  Good thing F3 Films was not on hand.  #LacticAcid, #Earthbound
  • Yet it could have been worse:  The Skunk Q’s  invited Moniteur to the Pax to satisfy his CSAUP of 205 burpees.  We were not entirely disappointed that he could not make it to join us this morning.  Still, the invitation stands…
  • Running with (2) 20 lb. dumbbells:  Awkward.  Hard.  Empathy for Ruckers.  #ArmStretchers
  • Ruck training must be going well–The Shore (M.D) was asking to do running curls.  YHC and Dredd  concluded at BHM yesterday that The Shore’s prescription for all pediatric ailments is likely a punch in the throat and 20 minutes of various shoulder flapping (probably in a squat).  2.x’s worst nightmare.

That is all.

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Tiger-Rag author

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The Shore
12 years ago

I think Tiger Rag might be on to something! I bet the kids wouldn’t feel the thigh shots at all if they were in a good squat while doing shoulder burners. The punch in the throat might not go over so well though.

12 years ago

Yeah, I don’t want to say that Shore is the world’s most unsympathetic kid doctor, but I heard that his reward to a kid who doesn’t whine when he gets a shot is to NOT give him another shot. #NoLollypopsEver #CharlesDickens

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