Yellow Shirts and Long Socks

Yellow Shirts and Long Socks

Monday morning. Spring Break. Easter Monday. In spite of all that was against us 7 PAX rose from the bed to run 5 miles at either Blakeovery, Blakcovery, or Blakovery.

One pre-ran, one did a dynamic warm up, one was completely shaven, one showed up after almost a week of vacation in the Bahamas, one slept the day before in a car and woke up in Rock Hill, the other ran too fast for me to hear about his week, and another was unexpectedly early. Almost all showed up in yellow shirts.

With all that going on, this is where we ran: down Rea Rd past Elevation Church, right on Lindahi Lane, right on Hirsch Dr., left on Hanworth Chase Drive, left on Albury Walk Lane, right on Castlebay Drive all the way to Tonawanda Drive. Turn left then a quick right onto Burnside, right on Ardrey Woods Dr, left on Cotton Press Rd., right on Meadow Bottom Drive, left on Ginhouse and then we went down a bunch of other streets (at one point passing Escobar’s house) and ended up on the corner of North Community House and Adrey Kell. Right on Adrey Kell and back to launch for some stretching by Paper Jam.


With the family away, Bunker must have caught up on his back issues of Vogue as he was dispensing with fashion advice this morning-taking umbrage with my socks and running shoes. I was surprise he even noticed them as he is always about 50 yards ahead of me. Apparently he isn’t the only one who is enamored by my unique sense of style as Gumbo suggested I add striped socks to my repertoire.

Gumbo was pretty chatty this morning. Trying to EH me for the BRR and Swift. He claimed that it takes 6 posts at Swift and your hooked. Taking his advise, I seriously considering joining him on Tuesday morning until I saw the title of Bratwurst’s pre blast-Sprinting 101. I am not a runner and I don’t sprint. I’m out.

Thanks for staying with me this morning Ickey and nice take out Enron.

As always, you all make my Mondays fun.




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