Author Archive Glass Joe

Gump or Geoff Bodine?

F3 Union Co had no running workout. We now have a running workout. Well, not official yet but we at least know this can work. We’ll test it out for a few months and see if this becomes a regular thang or not.

The Thang

Screw a COP, we ran.

Run down to Mother Teresa Drive. Seems so innocent and peaceful.
Partner up and run the loop. When you meet your partner, hand-slap merkins x 5. Do this until you meet up 5 times. 25 hand-slap merkins for everyone not named Horsehead who took his refuse to a higher level. He refused reps of 5. EE complained. He relented and ended up doing 10 total…..I think.

Run to the roundabout with what HH described as the Eifel Tower. Not sure that it isn’t the Washington Monument but who am I to disagree with someone so culturally wise. From the Roundabout, three routes to run. When you get back to the roundabout, 10 squats. Hit all three routes and then collect at the Eifel Monument.
The Routes:
1) Back around Mother Teresa Drive
2) Down Lake Park Dr around the Clock Tower and back
3) Go the opposite way down Lake Park Dr and take a right onto Trevor Simpson Dr, go to culdesac and then back

At this point, EE has to bail out but the rest of us just keep on running.
Down Conifer Circle and hang a right onto Balsam St.
Instructions given to split and each group run a separate direction on Creft CIRCLE and meet back where we started. Short Circuit and I follow instructions and are having a good chat and a solid pace when we get to the clock tower, here comes HH down a side street. Apparently the CIRCLE part of Creft CIRCLE is difficult and he made a turn. There is much I could say here but I’ll leave it alone.

Due to HHs turn from a CIRCLE, much confusion happens. Guys start going ways that the Q never intended and instead of meeting back where we began, all hell has broken loose. Slowly but surely, we find everyone and collect back at the Clock Tower. It’s now 6:15. This is all HHs fault.

A slow mosey sprint back to the cars with much ridicule at me ignoring my own command.


Thanks to Short Circuit for the great prayer. Reminding us what we need to be about.

I got 6.6 miles in. That’s a solid baseline for this. Mileage/Speed can only get better from here.
Apparently EE did his last mile at something like 6’40. Raise your hand if your last mile was at 6’40. Seeing no hands raised, I now call for us to make him wear a RUCK while he runs as a restrictor plate. Actually, good work brother. We need you to pace the rest of us as we get faster by chasing a faster man.
Great job to all the guys today. It was humid. This was a first time in a sort of unfamiliar place but we mostly, cough, kept together and all got better.
Glad to find out EE has already found the nearest store to decimate their sanitary ratings. Well done. Never expected any less than your best in this matter.
This can become a permanent if desired. For now, we will Twitter out for a month or two and see what kind of response we are getting. And we need to figure out a name. I’ve jokingly used Geoff Bodine since HH requested Earnhardt (Kannapolis prolly has that trademarked) but #F3Gump does sound like a solid name with enough ridicule to make it worthy.
I like Lake Park for the routes we have to choose from. The lack of hills is disappointing but it is what it is. I still like the layout and that there wasn’t a whole lot of traffic to deal with this morning. Always willing to listen to other places but this did seem to work.

Comment with other thoughts or naming choices.

Glass Joe

Restoring F3 Union Co

The last three workouts I’ve attended in Union Co have involved gear. I’ve had enough of that. It’s time to get back to our first love: Running. No pawn shop sweaty sandbags. No kettlebells. Not even Horsehead’s 55 pounder that he has yet to use in a workout but makes sure we all see it. No Double E Body Blade which if used correctly will slap you where it hurts and drop you to your knees. I’ve repented of hairburners after Saturday. No Countertop tire flipping sending some of us to a chiropractor. No The Late Show carrying cinder blocks for a mile and then carrying them back for no good reason. Save your shake weight for Hairband’s next Q. This is pure running. The way the Good Lord meant it to be. Notice that Paul in 1 Corinthian 9:24 doesn’t say “Swing your kettlebell in such a way that you may win.” Why? Because there is no winning in kettlebells. You must run to win. That’s probably not theologically sound. Regardless, we’ll take our chances with running.

We will meet Thursday (2/4) at Central Academy at Lake Park. Address: 3624 Lake Park Rd, Indian Trail, NC 28079. If you are facing the school, we will park in the lot to the right of the school.
Meeting at 5:15 and we will go for a hour.
Any pace welcomed. We will be using a lot of the Lake Park loops so if you run a 7 minute pace or a 10 minute pace, you’ll be on the same loop.
The only gear needed are your freaking running shoes. Maybe Horsehead/DoubleEE-esque blinky lights from head to toe.
High mileage/low reps….very low reps.

It’s time to restore F3 Union County back to greatness.

Burners. Burners Everywhere.

I had an idea. A wonderfully terrible idea. Let’s go….

EE/Kiefer for 5. Me for 4. Boondock on bike for 3. Horse for 1.9 or so.

The Thang
Mosey down beyond the buses

SSH IC x30
IW IC x20
Mountain Climbers IC x20

Run over to the intersection and a few quickly see what awaits us….hairburners.

Divide up into two teams and each team gets EEs epoxy covered no-slide plates and up the road to the gates we go. The group not pushing the plates does this order of exercises: LBCs x20, Merkins x15, Bomb Jacks x10, Burpees x5.

At the gates, we run down to the practice field and more chatter as guys see the sleds. Sledburners longways across the field (guess 175 yards or so). Do the same order of exercises if not pushing.
Sledburners back across the field as we need to get back to where we started. Exercises if not pushing.

Back to the plates. Hairburners down the road. Exercises if not pushing.

We’re done, right? Donut Hole asked if we were carrying the plates back. Oh no Brother, we are pushing them back. From the intersection, hairburners up the hill to the stop sign going past the buses. Exercises if not pushing.

I had intended us to be done at the stop sign. But then HH goes ‘Why not just push them on the sidewalk back down to the parking lot. Well, we have time so why not. Great idea HH.

Except it wasn’t a great idea. The concrete grabbed those plates worse than the asphalt. This was terrible.

Finally we are back in the parking lot. There are 7 minutes remaining. I really don’t want to do 7 MOM.

No parking sign suicides. 7 signs as Shepherd’s truck is blocking the 8th sign. Seemed to be a good followup for your legs as HH cramped up (menstrual?).

Once everyone is done: 4 MOM

Dolly IC x55
Dolly IC x10


Pray for good news with HBs MRI results which he should get on Monday. Pretty sure the Dr would have told you that Hairburners will help your healing process.
Prayers continue for The Count’s Dad.

This just sucked. You know you’ve wondered what a full hour of burners (hair and sled) would be like. No? That’s only me who wondered that? Well, now we all know at least.
I liked the variation that the hairburners and sledburners gave. Hair is just brute strength pushing through it. Sled required a lot more balance work. Good combo.
Everyone pushed hard. The Late Show said it best at coffeeteria: This was about mentally surviving. We all know what we can do physically but breaking through mental barriers when you think you can’t push those plates again is when you mentally grow stronger. I knew the intersection was not the end. I knew the uphill was coming. You guys didn’t but instead of bailing on me, you kept pushing. This is how iron sharpens iron.
Great to have Z show up during COT and coffeeteria. He did a burpee. It counts. For those that don’t know, he and CT are the two UC originals. They were at the very first UC F3 workout. They are the cornerstones we’ve built upon. We view F3Outland by the men that are at each workout but we honor those who were in the gloom before we even knew what this F3 thing was. These two paved the way and we are all better because of it.
HH apparently told HB to pick a side and roll over. I think it was more of a collapse than a roll over and HH might have kicked him out of the way. It’s all a hazy dream that I’m trying to forget at this point.
When we got to the intersection and you guys were told the intersection isn’t the end, I think my comment was ‘The plates are easier to push than to carry.’ I was hoping it would encourage you. I think it actually just made the anger grow.

Thanks for letting me lead today. I’m a better man because of the influence each of you has had on my life.

Glass Joe

Surprise Q or Q surprised

Showed up for a quick warm up run and get a text from Turnpike asking if I could start the workout for him as he overslept. Sure, no problem. Do a quick run-by of the playground as we’ve never used that during a workout so why not do something new. Other than black ice on the sidewalk leading to it, it looks willing so off we go…

The Thang
Mosey to the parking lot beside Carolina Courts

SSH IC x30
Look, it’s Short Circuit showing up late. In his honor, 10 Burpees OYO
IW IC x20

Run up to the playground for some station work:
Round 1: 20 reps of Dips, Declines, Donkey Kicks using swings, Step Ups (each leg x20)
Round 2: 25 reps of Dips, Declines, Donkey Kicks using swings, Step Ups (each leg x25)
Continue step ups each time until everyone has finished

Indian Run to the commercial park down the road.

Bear crawl to 1st light pole, merkins x10
Lunge walk to 2nd light pole, merkins x10
Bear crawl to 3rd light pole, merkins x10
Flutters IC until everyone finishes
Guessing 50 yards between light poles but felt like 150 yards between each pole with some of the ice still on the road

Increasing pace run back to the entrance where you increase pace at the light poles with an all out sprint to the last one.

Indian run back to the playground

Round 3: 30 reps of Dips, Declines, Donkey Kicks using swings, Step Ups (each leg x30)
Continue step ups until everyone has finished

Mosey back to the parking lot with our cars

Partner up. Partner 1 runs to the steps, up them, down them and back while Partner 2 does burpees. Flapjack until you’ve combined for 50 burpees. Most teams did 3 or 4 runs. Being on team Countertop helps not have to make that extra last run.
Flutters IC until everyone is finished (I think that’s what we did)

Dolly IC x30
Dolly IC x20
Dolly IC x10
1 min of Protractor


Pray for HBs MRI coming up on Thursday for his knee.
Thanks to Short Circuit who made up for his lateness with a strong prayer reminding us of what we should be about.

Hairband on Q at Overdrive. Bring your kettlebells. Screw my life
Glass Joe on Q at Outland. Do not bring your kettlebell. Maybe a EE split…maybe not if his M has anything to do with it.

Had to make this one up on the fly. And think it worked. The station work sucked. That was a crapload of step ups which if you did them following the sneaky donkey kicks, the legs felt it.
I rarely Q bear crawls. Mostly because I hate them. My eyes got the better of me when I said we were bear crawling all three light poles. I reminded myself why I hate bear crawls on the way to the 1st light pole and promptly decided to change it up for the 1st to 2nd light pole stretch. Nevertheless, the 2nd to 3rd light pole bear crawl was obnoxiously long and terrible.
Saving the burpees until the end seemed to be popular given the groans.
Countertop beasted out those burpees and saved himself from one additional run that most of us got. Countertop could probably auction off being his partner and get some real money out of it.
All the guys worked hard this morning. This Q was not a normal one for me. But it’s probably one that nobody expected and glad to finally use the playground area as that isn’t one we’ve done before. Seems like I continue to take us to new areas each time I Q. There is one additional one that I haven’t used yet….so your anticipation can build now.
Honorary 0.1 count for Turnpike who did pull into the parking lot and then decided ‘Screw this’ and sped out. Come to find out that it was an emergency Elvis. Good call brother.
Thanks for letting me lead and not heckling me too bad for it. Hoping it was the toughness that kept the heckling down.

Glass Joe

Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain, Oh My

On my drive to SV Middle, I experience snow at first, sleet and then freezing rain by the time I got there. Saw one guy spin out on the way. Averaged about 35 mph. Figured it was going to be worthy of some laughs. But then no one else pulled in the parking lot so the moment of decision: To Post or Not To Post. It’s F3. We post. Off I go….

The Thang

Moseyed to the grass as the pavement was, well, slick

Do you cadence out loud when you are solo is the question I’ve always wondered? So, I did the 3 count in my head and the rep count out loud.
SSH IC x25
IW IC x20
Windmill IC x10

I did have an idea for what I wanted to do but after COP, I figured why not go through the obstacle course a couple of times. On the way, I remembered why that was a bad idea. It’s in a bottom and my feet were now soaked.

Two times through Obstacle course. The 7-8 foot wall was a beast with a layer of ice on top.

Mosey to the baseball field beside the middle school for what was my idea coming into this thing.
Bear Crawl to 1st base. Lunge walk to Second. Crab Walk to Third. Lunge Walk to Home. Had intended many rounds of this with various combos. But after Round 1, I had soaked the two layers of gloves I had on and now my fingers were as cold as my toes which I hadn’t felt since the run to the obstacle course. Time to Q-Jack my own Q.

Lap around the Middle School

Decide to do a circuit workout:
Round 1) Rail Walk, Step Ups x20, Dips x20, Decline Merkins x20, Lap around Middle School
Round 2) Rail Walk, Step Ups x25, Dips x25, Decline Merkins x25, Lap around Middle School
Round 3) Rail Walk, Step Ups x30, Dips x30, Decline Merkins x30, Lap around Middle School

4 MOM:
Flutters IC x20
Dolly IC x20
LBCs until 6:15


I prayed. God listened. It counts.

It was cold. It was wet. It was nasty.
I tried to do some things I didn’t like such as Decline Merkins. I was sweating and glad at the end that I did it.
Thankful half the lap around the school was on a gravel drive. It was easier to run on than the pavement. Didn’t bust my butt a single time which is surprising given I normally fall when it’s dry. The laps around the middle school added some mileage but it was definitely slow mileage in the conditions.
These are the moments that will test you. Do we quit when no one is watching or do we do a full workout? It really becomes a matter of character at that point. I am convinced our families and the world around us need us to be consistent even when no one is watching.

Glass Joe

A Collection of Bad Ideas

Bad ideas seem to travel together. First, Countertop asked if I wanted to split the Q with him and sure, that seems like a bad enough of an idea. Then, Double E texts asking if we want to do a 10K pre-run. Hope fades. And we still have the workout to do and it was going to suck. At least we had a great coffeeteria to look forward to assuming we make it. Off we go…

Double E, Horsehead, Kiefer, Shepherd and Glass Joe on foot for the 10K. Boondocks on bike for the 10K. This shall not become a permanent thing but nevertheless, it was good. Some mention of Shepherd Christian cussing me (GJ) because I sort of talked him into this. The good Pastor wouldn’t say it’s true but we all agreed it was.

The Thang
Glass Joe on Q
Mosey to the Virtual Shovel Flag field

SSH IC x 25
IW IC x 20
Mountains Climbers IC x 20

Mosey to the practice field

Two times across the field. 1) High Knees across/Buttkickers back. 2) Karaoke across and back

Mosey to the end of the field
Merkin Wheelbarrows long way across the field. Guessing 175 yards or so. Kicker is on the first time, do 10 merkins with your partner holding your legs and then start the wheelbarrow. Do 5 merkins to start on every flapjack. These should really be called decline merkin wheelbarrows. Plank exercises then squats until everyone has gathered.

Mosey to the building between baseball field/tennis courts
People’s Chair w/Air Presses and Donkey Kicks combo. No rest between them and add 25 air presses and 5 donkey kicks each round. 5 Rounds total looked like this: 1) 25 APs, 15 DKs; 2) 50 APs, 20 DKs; 3) 75 APs, 25 DKs; 4) 100 APs, 30 DKs; 5) 125 APs, 35 DKs
Attempted Balls to the Wall with Mountain Climbers IC x7. Looked over around the 6th count and pretty much most had failed so finished up with 7.

Mosey to the courtyard at the football field house and hand off to CT
CT on Q

10 burpee warm up moving into the yard where 10 Gear Stations were set up for the PAX .

1 minute each station 10 second break to move to next station. After 8 stations the PAX went for a short run around the parking lot to give everyone a few minutes to catch their breath and then back to the stations.

– Pop Squats – Big Tire
– Weighted step ups – Step up on the big tire with sand bag in arms/ over the shoulder
– Tire Flips Medium Tries
– Punch Out w/ 10 lb weights
– Sweepers
– Weighted Lunge Walk (w/sandbag)
– Alternating Waves with Firehose “battle ropes”
– Thrusters w/sandbag
– Jump Rope
– Kettle Bell Swings

The above were the original stations but since the PAX were left to their own devices several more stations popped up. A couple that YHC noticed were; high-knees through the ropes course, merkins, inch worm with tires and burpees w/ jumps onto the tractor.

Once the gear work was complete the PAX grabbed the sandbags and hauled them across the school campus.

Burpees OYO x10

Thanks to Smokey for the strong take out

Convergence with Commmitment next Saturday. No Outland. Doc McStuffins and EE on Q. We will start at 6:30 at Weddington High School.

This was a tough one. Low mileage given I was half-Q and lots of stress on wrists, arms, shoulders with those merkin wheelbarrows for way too long of a distance and then CTs courtyard of horribles was just brutal on core.

I nearly puked on the HH ad hoc burpee tire jump ups. Just another bad idea added to the collection.

All the pax were working hard. Sajack is probably wondering what the crap has he gotten himself into. Strong work brother and hope to see you back out.

CTs recovery lap ended up not being anything of the sort. Somehow it turned into a race. EE won. This surprises no one.

HH tells me ‘I hate you’ during the merkin wheelbarrows. That’s how I define success.

The Pre-Outland 10K was in honor of Joe Davis. While we couldn’t get there to run the race today, we wanted to show we run in solidarity. Thanks to the brothers who gave a donation to EE which will go to Keystone who helps men with addiction.

I am thankful for all you guys who show up, never let up and push each other to get better. Iron sharpens iron but consider that it is an abrasive process. It takes a rough surface to sharpen. Each of us is the whetstone to each other and when you push hard, the man beside you who thinks he has nothing left will then push himself harder. This is how we are sharpened and why it truly does matter.

Glass Joe

Google Earth don’t lie

YHC has been to Dromedary once for the kickoff. M’s schedule makes it almost impossible on Wednesdays except for this particular Wednesday. So why not Q it. Except I didn’t know the AO so Google Earth was studied and that should have made all the pax feel really great about the quality of their Q. Off we go…

The Thang
Mosey to side of the parking lot

SSH IC x50
IW IC x20

Mosey to field beside middle school and bus lot.
Some cadenced exercise (think 3 count down squats) until all the pax gathered.

Wheelbarrow across the field from soccer goal to soccer goal. Plank when finished
Merkin Wheelbarrow back across the field. Basically, when your partner grabs your legs, do 5 merkins (essentially decline) and then start wheelbarrowing across. Some of the grunts seem to indicate the popularity of this was soaring. More to come…. Plank when finished

Mosey to the bus lot and it’s simply glorious to see that many buses lined up just enticing YHC. We should run them.
Cheese Weave for infinity buses it seemed like.

Mosey to the wall for People’s Chair with Air Presses x 100

Mosey to the lot beside the middle school with a loop around the outside.
Run the loop one way and partner run it the other way and when you meet, 10 handslap merkins
Run until you and your partner meet 3 times.
Some cadenced exercise (think SSH) till everyone gathers.

Mosey along the back road with the intention of going to another soccer field. Bratwurst saved me from what would have been angry heckling by the pax by having us go between the tennis courts instead of the swamp I was about to take them through. Appreciate it brother!

The relief to not get bogged down in mud is short lived as apparently the field we were going to doesn’t drain. At all. No need to thank me for your wet feet.
Now that we are unhappy, merkin wheelbarrows long ways across the field. It was long and probably unnecessary.
Some cadenced exercise until all have gathered (have no idea what it was)

Mosey to the roundabout
Increasing pace run using the buildings until you go full out sprint after building #3 to the speed bump.
Plank exercises until all have gathered

Mosey to the building. Oops, there is a ramp on the side of that building. To which Bratwurst gave a classic ‘Did Google Earth show you that?’ No brother. No it did not. #googleearthfail

Mosey to the other building then. #notdeterred
Then a combo of People’s Chair with Air Presses followed immediately by Donkey Kicks.
Round 1) 50 Air Presses, 20 Donkey Kicks. Round 2) 75 Air Presses, 25 Donkey Kicks. Round 3) 100 Air Presses, 30 Donkey Kicks

Mosey back to the lot where the cars are located.

Dolly IC x50
Rosalita IC En Espanol x15


Thanks to Shop Dog for taking us out

Joe Davis run Jan 9th
F3 5 year Anniversary Convergence at AG Middle. 2 Clown Car options: 1) From the Vine restaurant in Ballantyne at 6:30 or 2) From Carolina Courts in Indian Trail at 6:00
Jan 16th Union County Outland/Commitment Convergence at Commitment. Get to know some of your other UC brothers

First off, thanks for letting me come out and Q. It’s great to continue to put faces with names.
Great work by all the pax. I tend to run a lot when I Q. I had thought this would be less running but then I saw the buses all lined up just mocking me. Then I saw that parking lot loop was really enticing. I gave into temptation. I had planned for a few merkin wheelbarrow trips across the long soccer field but my inability to say no to perfect running spaces was just too much to overcome.
Thanks to Silicon for keeping time for me. I sort of need one of those watch thingys.
Sorry if your shoes are now muddy. I really had no idea the soccer field drained so poorly. And I don’t think Google Earth has a drain field filter I could use. But appreciate you guys following your clueless Q with only minimal heckling.
I think a few pax were concerned about how far away we were from the cars with how little time there was remaining but increasing pace runs make up distance quickly. Things learned at #F3Thrive.
Hit rain on the way to MH. Hit rain leaving MH. Just got humidity while at MH. Pretty sure F3 has some sort of rain agreement with Cantore during workouts. It’s never as bad as we think it will be so never fartsack because of predicted weather.
In theory, I guess I should have shut down the workout with distant lightening. Instead I took you on a run through infinity number of buses made of metal. At least I joked about it though some nervous laughter indicated it probably wasn’t the best of timing for that joke.
Guys, step up and Q if you’ve been coming for a while. Q what you can do and you’ll be fine. The heckling may get you to do a Dolly IC x50. That tends to hush the crowd other than Turnpike picking on my squeaky cadence.
Thanks for the opportunity and hope it didn’t disappoint.

Glass Joe

Mileage and Burpees

Show up and sheets of rain are coming down.  Happy pulls up and has this ‘Are you nuts?’ look going on and then it just stopped.  And from then on, it was just light drizzle and nice temps.  #blessings

The Thang
Mosey to the side road

SSH IC x 25
IW IC x 20

Enough of that. My basic plan for the rest of the workout is revealed. Run, do burpees, run, do burpees, repeato. The rest of this is just the order in how we did it:

Run down the side road and at each island on the side, do 10 burpees. Plank at the stop sign. Total of 40 burpees.

Back road tall light pole suicides. 2 light poles with the furthest around 150 yards away or so. Then plank at the stop sign.

10 burpees OYO. Total of 50 now

Increasing pace run along the side road beside Carolina Courts. At each tall light pole, increase your pace until you are in an all out sprint from the last tall light pole to the stop sign.

Mosey to the corporate entrance maybe 25-50 yards down the road. *First time off campus for Thrive*

Light pole suicides again. Three light poles with maybe the furthest again about 150-175 yards down the road.

Mosey back to the side road beside Carolina Courts.

10 burpees OYO. Total of 60 now.

And again, an increasing pace run back to the intersection with the back road using the tall light poles.

Tall light pole suicides along the back road with a final run back to the stop sign (how depressing that the last light pole is literally just a few feet in front of the stop sign yet you had to run back one more time).

Once we all collect, 10 burpees OYO. Total of 70 now.

Run along the side road again and this time, stop at each short light pole and do 10 burpees. 3 short light poles = 30 burpees = 100 burpees total. Site Qs should be pleased.

Hey look, you guys ran so fast we have some time to kill. Mosey to the side of the bathroom building.

People’s Chair with increasing air presses each round. Round 1) 50, 2) 75, 3) 100.

Mosey back to the parking lot for 4 MOM

Flutters IC x 20
Freddie Mercury’s IC x 20
LBCs IC x10
Protractor to finish out.


Thanks to Happy for taking us out

No Overdrive this week as we are now going to the AG Middle Convergence for the 1/1 F3 Anniversary workout. Clown car meeting at Carolina Courts at 6 AM and leaving shortly after.
The Late Show on Q for Outland
Union County convergence on 01/16 at #F3Commitment. Sounds like Doc McStuffins and Double E are your Qs.
Joe Davis run on 01/09.

What I thought was going to be a nasty morning turned into an almost perfect morning. Light drizzle, perfect temps and even some breeze to help cool you down…or slow you down along that side road.

As always, I got there early this morning for a warm-up run and decided to drive around Carolina Courts just to scope it out and noticed that corporate entrance down the road. First time I had noticed it (course, we’ve only been to that side area one time from what I can remember) and saw it had some good suicide light poles set up for us. Never a bad time to go off campus to a new area. And did anyone notice those parallel parking spaces along that road. Surely someone is creative enough to use those, right? I didn’t even know they existed until we started running that road but the more you know…..

The mileage was high and the burpees were 100. Site Qs are hopefully pleased and no one but me is pleased with the mileage. My guess is 3-4 miles this morning. That was a crap load of running honestly with all those suicides.

Great work by all the pax. Believe me, I know when a body part hurts, it can be a huge temptation to fartsack. I’ve been determined to not stop posting and just rehab my foot through PF and spend some money on proper support. Today was the absolute best it’s felt in a month with a decent amount of speed work too with those increasing pace runs. Guys, keep plugging away at it and make sure you get a good plan for stretching and/or icing/heating (depending on your injury).

And I am thankful that you guys showed up in the nastiness and pushed through this one never stopping. That’s how we get better together. Thanks for letting me Q for the first time at Thrive.

Glass Joe

Burpees are the B.O.M.B.S

We challenged #F3Commitment to see who can get more guys last week.  They claimed 37 while we had 26.  Honestly, it’s probably better this way as I’m not sure they’ve done 100 burpees combined through the first year.

Thanks to EE and his 2.0s on bike: Stacks and Shoeless Joe Jackson for the pre-run this morning.

The Thang
The pre-run worked up some Christmas leftovers so off to Bojangles I went (pretty sure the bathroom is the most sanitary part of that place with it’s 83.5 rating) and I came one-wheeling back into the parking lot with 15 seconds to spare but where is EE? Here he comes from unknown outer areas so here we go.

SSH IC x 30
IW IC x 20

Burpee Penalty 100 burpees together so we ensure each man does 100. I call down and the count is on the jump. These sucked.

15-20 bus cheese weave

Mosey to the side of the school for station work:
Round 1:
Dips x 25
Jump Ups x 25
Donkey Kicks on the wall x 25
Lunge walk through the brick columns

5 Burpees OYO

Round 2:
Dips x 30
Jump Ups x 30
Donkey Kicks x 30
Backwards run

Plank work and then hand over to F3 Asheville’s Good Luck
Mosey to the buses.

Partner combined
Burpees x 50
Overhead Claps x 100
Merkins x 150
Big Boy Situps (also known as WWII situps) x 200
Squats x 250

Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs up the hill to the stop sign and back down. Flapjack until all exercises are complete.

Mosey back to the parking lot and Good Luck turns it back over to me.

Dolly IC x 50
Rosalita IC En Espanol x 15

DONE…..oh screw it, 5 Burpees OYO.

Thanks to Smokey for taking us out

This sucked. I’ll be honest that the 100 burpees straight smoked me.
The look of dread when Good Luck said 50 burpees was pretty awesome. Some relief when he said partner combined though we were already up to 105 each so only some slight relief.
Smokey asked who to blame for the 100. Shepherd said me. I claim it’s for your betterment only…and maybe a big mouth. The Texans say ‘Big hat, no cattle’. Well, I got plenty of cattle for this one and maybe some angry pax. You’ll thank me later….in theory.
LaRonda was a beast. A 23 year old former college LB so he was just beasting from the very beginning. Earned his female F3 name. It’s a combine of LaFawnduh and Ronda and maybe Lucy. Heck if I know. Ronda/Lucy are apparently defensive calls and LaFawnduh is from the greatest movie ever…GOSH! We got there and it just fit. LaRonda is from Little Rock and was EH’d by Smokey. Maybe a future leap to Little Rock? The Count would be all over that.
Thanks to Good Luck for Qing. Always great to get some guest Qs in from other F3 areas just to see different things they are doing. Having him follow-up 100 burpees was a bad idea but everyone got better. In case you didn’t know, between Good Luck and LaRonda, that made 2 former college LBs at Outland today. Unfortunately, I feel like I’m the one that got sacked.
Great respect to both Lamont and Shepherd who show that the theory of slowing down in your 50s is a moronic theory that holds no weight at all.
Happy ignored the Dr’s orders. I can’t say that’s advisable but yeah, we aren’t professionals so I can say great job!
All of you have my respect because many over-slept because they over-ate yesterday. It wasn’t easy but you are better for it.

Glass Joe

Christmas comes to Anson

Haven’t been down to Anson in over a month but it was noticeable that the faces are skinnier than the last time I saw them.  Seems that F3 thang is working.

The Thang:
Warmup Hairband Mile

SSH IC x 25
IW IC x 20
3 count merkins IC x 10
Mountain Climbers IC x 20

Mosey to the loop in front of the school to bring a little Christmas spirit to Anson

12 Days of Christmas:
Day 1: Lap around the loop (think Hairband Mile)
Day 2: Lunges
Day 3: Diamond Merkins
Day 4: Mountain Climbers
Day 5: Burpees (Because they are golden)
Day 6: Squats
Day 7: Bomb Jacks
Day 8: Carolina Dry Docks
Day 9: Flutters
Day 10: Merkins
Day 11: LBCs
Day 12: Burpees

Various core exercises in between days to gather the group together.

Long mosey to the road behind the baseball field

Light Pole Suicides with increasing burpees: 4 light poles with the furthest about 150-175 yards away.

Mosey to the shovelflag

Dolly IC x51 (UC guys just shook their head)
Rosalita En Espanol IC x10 (The count struggle was real)
LBCs IC x10

DONE….or are we?

Mosey over to Vipers F150 for an exercise the Anson guys have appropriately named F150s
Feet under the step up rails on Vipers F150 and then bring your body up to 45 degrees and hold it.  And hold it.  And hold it……


Thanks to Viper for taking us out

Thursday morning workout this week.  Watch FB for details
Prayers for OMBs wrist

Thanks for having me out.  The Anson pax are definitely getting stronger.  Amazing how consistency builds endurance.
I found out right away that Bambi was two decades younger than me and had every intention of making me earn my Q.  Well done.
Tree Bass was right with him.  Darn youth.  Tree Bass so named because he enjoys fishing and apparently that’s the name of what happens when you cast into a tree.  You catch a Tree Bass.  At least according to Bambi but the more you say it, the more you enjoy it so it stuck.
Great to see the Anson guys making up their own exercises.  F150s suck.  Will be borrowing those.
Flash Card and Half Moon are continuing to push and don’t know the word quit.  Great job guys.
Viper is 59 and out there pushing through it.  RESPECT!
I’ll be back in January and will definitely try to make it to coffeeteria next time.