Dads VS Kids egg hunt

Dads VS Kids egg hunt

So this was hard to plan for in the fact we had a monsoon going on.  I planned for rain and a small crowd.

Then watched the cars just keep pulling in.  So pouring down rain and 40 degrees out we still had 19 come out.

This Tuesday and Thursday 2.0 friendly evening workouts have really caught on.

disclaimer stated:

Short mosey to the warm up in a covered area.

  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Imperial walkers
  • 10 Merkins
  • calf stretching and other stretches.

The Thang:

My co Q’s Freestyle and doppelganger decided we should do a egg hunt as we were getting close to Easter.

The eggs did not have candy they had workouts.  The girls also picked which workouts the adults got and which ones the kids got.

Guess who got the harder workouts!!!!

I hid the kids Egg’s the girls hid the adult eggs.

During the egg hunt the monsoon got worse  the kids were done with their workout and the adults were still looking for the last egg.

While the adults did the workouts the kids went looking for the last egg in the rain that was going sideways at this point.  (The adults had actually found all the eggs OPPS)


partner work one partner runs to a destination the other works on 100 Merkins, 100 big boy,  and 100 low slow squats.  The kids had less distance and half the number on workouts.

Remaining 10 minutes Q dice workouts on your own!


I think everyone had fun and candy was given to the kids as none was found in the eggs!




WTF# Waxhaw Trail Fest on May 1st get signed up and start hitting the trail.

About the author

Rubbermaid author

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Schedule C
Schedule C
3 years ago

Great workout!

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