Better Late Then Never

Better Late Then Never

Given the cold AM we still had 16 show up this AM. I think some wanted to see my VQ, but I assured the group it was not my first, I just don’t do it that often.  That said, the rusty Q gave a rusty disclaimer and off we went.


The Thang (warm up)

Brief warm up around the parking lot to end up were we assembled to start.  In this circle is where the Q’s first fail of the day was (more on that), but here is what we did:

10 Diamond Merkins (cadence) then x10 Slow Good Mornings

9 Wide Arm Merkins (cadence) then x10 Slow Alt Lungs

8 Merkins (cadence) then x10 Arm Circles

7 Diamond Merkine (OYO) then  x10  Imperial Walker

6 Wide Arm Merkins (OYO) then x10 SSH

5 Merkins (OYO) then x10 Bunny Hop

10x Dive Bomb Merkins


Meat and Potatoes

Run across the street to the Chuch and grab a lifting rock- Short circuit of lifting and running

Round 1 w/ partner

BI’s, Tri’s, Press and Squats x 20 each then each take off in different directions 10x hand slap merkins and back to rocks

Plank once back and then LBCx 20 and Russian twist x20

Round 2 – same lifting and run

Plank then Freddy Mecury x20 and J Low x10

Round 3 – same lifting and running

Plank then Heels to Heaven x20 and Left leg over right/ Right elbow to knee then switch x10 each side


Run to Ball Field x2 rounds

Pull-ups x10

Jump / Step ups x20

Dips x30


Run to start for 2 MOM –LBCx20 and Left leg over right/ Right elbow to knee then switch x10 each side



Let me address the Q fail at the start…if you go to the beginning of the workout, they were all supposed to be OYO Merkins.  Having the Q juice, I felt good and called cadence.  However, the lack of boot camps in 2018 had me get back to the script and we went OYO for the last few.

Gummy (being the loudest) and a few others had a lot of questions of the Q…

  1. Could I try to add more inflection so they know when to stop (Q rust)
  2. When would there be Imperial Walker
  3. When would we have SSH
  4. Would I extend my arms on the rock presses

As a true veteran, I was able to block out most of that, however I believe I improved my inflection as we moved on.

Semi-Gloss can’t count!  He clearly left early on the second round of running and when no one else left- always cheating

2017 was a disaster for me getting out in the gloom, 2 major injuries had me out for almost 7mths.  On my way to recovery, I am trying to up my running game.  Therefore limited Boot camps and my soccer arms.  I was very sore after this one, hope your got your monies worth.

As for the title of this workout, the last Q (at Hydra) I never posted the BB.  Yep, coming clean.  Between the holidays, work and a few other details (electrical problem) , I skipped one of the most important steps.  I know a lot of guys don’t read these, but you do owe it as a part of the Q.

Sorry for 1 member of the pax-Slum Dog.  I just could not hear you name on my recorder…hope I got it right

Thanks to Marge for assigning my date to Q

Thanks for Pudding for taking us out



Smokey Mountain Relay- April 20/21 hit me up for details..need 2 runners

May 3-5th  Mens Retreat @ Camp Harrison called Mission Uprising / see Scratch and win for details…



About the author

Cheese Curd author

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6 years ago

Great Q Curd. This is your second Hydra Q in 3 months so I don’t think you’ve been that absent.

I was happy to partner up with HIPAA who was an FNG just a week ago but now has 5 (and maybe even 6) posts under his belt so far.

Great group at Hydra as always.

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