Howl at the Moon

Howl at the Moon

Teen Wolf (1985 movie, not the millennial trash tv show)  – Coach Finstock: There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.

Well, I certainly broke the first rule, as I was awakened at 0430 by the blinding light of the Full Blue Blood Supermoon beaming through my window.  I thought that an enthusiastic Gypsy (pax, but a real gypsy would be a better story) had set off my motion lights out back, anxious to get an early start on the workout.  Apparently he likes to start his twitter wrestler feed on Saturday night for this Wednesday workout,  which is when he began soliciting me for information.  Well, he wasn’t there.  Good thing, because I would have totally tased him with the taser that my sister-in-law gave my wife for Christmas two year ago.  True story.  Let’s just say that I sleep with one eye open and my massive eyebrow slightly raised.


4 corners to this property, established during the warmup with a traveling COP, to which we assigned 4 exercises.  Added in a #candyland shortcut for those so inclined to modify the running distance because #moderate.

  • 25 LBCS
  • 25 Merkins
  • 25 Heels to Heaven
  • 7 burpees  – because #moderate

Run the 1/2 mile loop AMRAP and drop an exercise of your choosing with each subsequent trip.  Nice try Shake and Bake, but you cannot drop the running.  By the way, TClaps for posting solo on the prerun in the 20deg weather.  I was (not even) there in spirit.

We ran this jewel until 6AM and then moved on to the next thing.

Modified Beast – using the big arrows in the parking lot.  After some discussion and significant distrust at my perfectly engineered plan to do exercises at the 6 sets of arrows we eventually got it done.  Guys argued that there were only 5 sets instead of 6, which in actually there were 7 #bonus.  The last set was extra-credit and skipped by most.

  • Squats – Bullwinkle wheelhouse
  • Merkins – no Glass Joe #squirrelhumpers allowed
  • Something else? – I forget.  Probably amazing.
  • Burpees – only 3 at each stop because #moderate

Cut that short for Mary, which was unremarkable except for the Q’s interesting version of Crunchy Frog at the end with uncontrollable accompanying sound effects.



That SuperMoon was bright.  It was a little eerie out there in the countryside.  I came out for a pre-scout to see if the big field was in play, but it was booby trapped with ice puddles.  I think I found the Shrieking Shack in the woods, but I got back in my truck before Professor Lupin found me.

Apparently, we had some sort of Family Dollar / Dollar Tree convention going on with folks traveling in from Georgia to post.  I think this involved Drumstick, Scratch and Sniff, and Homeboy somehow, but I missed the connection.  Keep selling that Chinese product boys, it’s what makes the world go round.  If I can’t buy it for a buck and throw it away that same night, I probably don’t need it.

Bullwinkle took off like a Quick Trip sushi shart during the 1st round of the beast.  Shenanigans indeed.

I never know if things are moderate enough or not.  I figure that if I can reasonably keep the group together than it’s a success.  I know one thing, I hate standing around in the cold – hence the continuous running today.  Hopefully it was in tune with the spirit of the site.  If not, I may be in trouble.  Not as bad as as the kind of trouble you get in from picking out someones wedgie in church unsolicited, but some sort.

Posting here reminds me of when Area51 used to be more into the whole F3 thing.  Back in the day, guys used to actually count during COP and wanted to do things like run around with shovel flags and crawl through the mud.  The edge has rounded a bit, but the workouts and fellowship are still good.  I think it’s just a natural progression of how people progress through this experience.  Still, it’s refreshing to go back in time a little every once in a while.


Probably some announcements somewhere . . .  Check the shack.




– Horsehead



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Horsehead author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Horsehead
6 years ago

Is there something wrong with that – I do it every time so I get at least 1 T-clap

Hair Band
6 years ago

#Tclaps on the BB brilliant and setting the BB bar as usual.

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