Flipper Leads a Gearless Workout?!?!?

Flipper Leads a Gearless Workout?!?!?

YHC hadn’t Q’ed in a a while, hell I haven’t done much but run since before BRR.  #SoccerArms. I knew I wanted to Q in November, but today was a light day… so what to do?

The Thang:

-Mosey from Launch point to the parking lot across from the hotbox where somebody had thoughtfully placed cones for suicides.  Divide into two groups.

-Group 1 Mosey back in front of the church to the launch point, then down to the big rocks, past the bball field and the playground to return to the suicide line.  Meanwhile group 2 assumes high plank while 1 member at a time completes merkin suicides (run to each cone and back in succession, completing a chest to ground merkins at each cone.  Add one Merkin to count at each cone so 1 at first, 2 at second etc…) Return to plank after completing your suicide circuit.

-Group 1 takes their turn on suicides while Group 2 does the ~1/2 mile mosey.  Repeat above but this time elbow plank and start at 2 merkins at cone 1.

-Upon Group 2’s 2nd Mosey, AYG to to cones staged in parking lot near family life center for Heels to Heaven and American Hammer X20 in Cadence.  Then AYG to cones under basketball goals for Rosalita and Dolly X20 in cadence then return to suicide line.

-2 more circuits with Peoples Chair and Donkey Kick Plank.

-AYG to cones for Mountain Climber and Low Fast Flutter X20 in cadence, AYG to other cones for High Slow Flutter X20

-Mosey back to the bottom of the launch point parking lot and line up abreast.  All out sprint to cars and done


Ye Naked Moleskin:

It was GREAT to be back out in the cold doing something other than running.  The Merkins hurt, as did the sprints, yet I got a lot of grumbles when I set mosey pace.  It was awesome to have Runstopper and TheShore join us today.  RockZero tends to have a “younger” group of PAX so when true OGs join us, its a treat.  Abba graced us with his 2nd to last Saturday in CLT before he heads to missionary training in the ATL before engaging in missions work in THAILAND with his SIX KIDS?!?! Bold man, very bold.  Also I’ve never had a PAX run out on one of my workouts until today… allegedly Hammer had a wrestling tournament to get to.  Although Cheese Curd attempted to use the same excuse so…



-A51 Christmas Party 12/8 and SOB party on 12/16 (as a hybrid I would resent the separate parties but for the fact my schedule prevents me from attending either.)

-Sign up for Joe Davis 5k or 10k, RockZero will be CLOSED 1/6 in support of pushing Pax to go be part of this amazing event.

-Prayers for Abba and family as they embark on their new adventures.

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Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
6 years ago

Nice job Flipper! Quite the course on Sat. Some would say that you had nothing else planned so you opted for the longest loop possible to kill the time. I would never say that, but some might.

Great to see The Shore back in the gloom. I really think I saw him within the past year or so at South Charlotte, but he swears it has been years. Kotters! Keep coming out, stay busy and lean on pax when you need too. I know well all have your back.

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