Tour de Anvil

  • When:05/10/2017
  • QIC: Van Pelt
  • The PAX: Iron Horse (R), Carmen Sandiego, Shrink Wrap, Slum Dog, Thunder Road, The Wall, Tri Delta, Tag-a-long, O' Tannenbaum, Lorax, Ickey Shuffle, Brilleaux, Rachel, Mermaid, FNG Todd (Speed Bag), Champagne, Van Pelt (QIC/R)

Tour de Anvil

Under the moonlit skies
And the light that flickers,
17 PAX stepped out,
To get a good tail kicker.

If they’d known about burpees,
They would have done the dart back.
Hopped into their cars,
And headed for the fartsack.

But they persevered and stayed,
As we saluted the virtual flag.
We got a good beatdown,
And even welcomed Speed Bag.

Well, there you have it. The extent of my creativity. As noted, 17 PAX showed up to put the old banker in his spot by dusting him on the workout. Well done.


* 5 burpees
* 10 Imperial Walkers
* 5 Burpees
* 10 Sun Gods
* 10 Reverse Sun Gods (God Suns)
* 5 Burpees
* 10 side to side climbers (alpines)
* 5 burpees

The Route:

With 1 FNG and 1 Site FNG, a tour of the Anvil AO would be in order. Why, that is great because that is exactly what YHC had hastily planned in between travel and BBQ competitions. Here we go (moseying b/w stations)

* 1st entrance (not sure it is technically “Entrance 1”)–15 donkey kick merkins
* Rocks–10 curl/press/skull crushers + 5 Rockies (crowd pleaser)
* Sweat Shack–10 jump ups/step ups + 15 Derkins
* 2nd Entrance–15 molitov merkins
* Speed Hump–10 monkey humpers (how appropriate)
* 3rd Entrance–15 hip-slap merkins
* Picnic tables–10 dips + 15 Irkins
* Bottom of North Face-10 jump squats
* Top of North Face–5 one-arm burps (no merkin)
* 4th entrance-15 plank jack merkins

When done with round #1, go at your own pace for round 2+. All completed 2 rounds; the fastholes got in some extra credit.

Finish with some Mary: flutter, dolley, something else (YHC had still not arrived), Freddy Mercury, box cutters, Rosalita. Finish with 5 burpees.


Anvil is a great AO, with lots of options and things to do. We explored most of it today, leaving out the playground and baseball field. YHC hates sand. It is a much longer circuit that YHC thought. Perhaps we get in 3 rounds? Not so. 2+ was the most.

Rachel, Mermaid, Lorax, and Brilleaux set a wicked pace. Ickey, O’ Tannenbaum, Champagne, and Iron Horse kept them honest. Carmen Sandiego, Shrink Wrap, Slum Dog, Thunder Road, The Wall, Tri Delta, Tag-a-long (he may have been in the front. No idea.), and Speed Bag all pulled through with 2 complete rounds.

Welcome Todd. From NY, via Connecticut, 3 kids under 5 (special award for that), and former boxer. Speed Bag. You boys out to invite him to Fight Club. But be warned–he looks like he could knock the 4th F out of you. Great to have you join the PAX—come on back!

The MC started early. DK Merkins–“is this real?” YHC: “Yes, my wife taught them to me.” Probably the wrong reply. They do get the heart rate up. Then, on the hip-slap merkins, ‘Pagne calls out YHC for form. Evidently, you are supposed to bend your arms on merkins. Who knew? I thought a head bob was sufficient. Lots of chatter about ants on North Face. Good planning meant no LBC’s or other ground work. Evidently, the F3 Grounds Crew has not mowed North Face, resulting in soggy shoes. Cobains.


There may be a convergence on Saturday. There may not be. Check twitter, slack, email, smoke signals, and carrier pigeons.
Good luck to the Spartan Racers. Mermaid, Rachel, and I am sure others competing this Saturday.
Iron Horse is taking on decathlete Dan O’Brien in a few weeks in the Charlotte Heptathlon. My $$ is on IH.

Pleased and honored to lead. YHC took us out.

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Van Pelt author

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7 years ago

Solid beatdown this AM VP – great tour of the AO and excellent clock management, finishing the round right on time.

btw – here in Area 51, those things you called side to side mtn climbers are actually Rock Hoppers – just ask BugEater – if you can find him.

Thanks for the lead.

7 years ago

Love a good tour of the AO. 100 acres. Plenty of room for a solid beatdown. Certainly the case today. Lots of exercises, plenty of run, solid variety. Merkin variations were sneaky hard. 5 Rockee kicker, always a good call. Strong lead VP, as expected. Welcome to Speed Bag, our FNG. He was excited to be out. Keep posting. Savage race this weekend. Several A51/SOB guys racing. Should be a good time.

Iron Horse
7 years ago

Checked the App: Van Pelt Q at Anvil. And I still posted – most curious about the myriad of new/modified/somewhat disturbing new exercises he always unveils. No disappointment. VP – you used the “wife” story, but pretty sure you made those up as we shuffled through the AO. Nonetheless, fine beat down as usual. Welcome Speed Bag. You’re in – you might as well keep posting because we’ll find you.

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