Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

  • When:08/31/2016
  • QIC: Mermaid
  • The PAX: Snowflake (Respect), Brushback (Kotters), Iron Horse (Respect), Red Rocks, Sledge, Hammer, Brilleaux, Hops, Gummy, Utah, Thunder Road, The Onceler, Van Pelt (Respect), Lobsta Roll, Mermaid (QIC)

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

YHC and Utah cruised past a pack of FIA ladies crushing the run down 51 headed in the direction of the Anvil AO.  Certainly cannot blame them for wanting a change of pace at, as Hops says, is arguably, the best AO in all of A51.  Options abound on this 100 acre Calvary campus.  14 PAX arrived via automobile and Snowflake ran in.  Dude is a stud.  Respect.  Pre-workout mumbling about the Jeepers among us feeling bad for YHC who recently off-loaded the Wrangler in favor of a 4runner.  Key here is 4.  4 doors that is.  2.0’s and a 2-door Jeep Wrangler es no bueno.  There will be another Jeep in my future.  Thorough disclaimer given to include the essentials and some encouragement to the PAX. Disclaimer given, that is, after Iron Horse rolled in.  Quick hello to IH, who appeared excited as he raised his hands in what appeared to be a victorious manner, having made the launch.  Off we go.


Mosey from launch lot through the lots near the main buildings to the lot closest to Entrance 1.


SSH x 10 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC (Mumblechatter from Gummy began right here)

Low Slow Squat x 10 IC

Mountain Climber x 10 IC-Hold plank

Merkin x 10 IC

Mosey over to the Pavilion at CHAMPS field.  HOME.

Campus Circuit

  1. HOME BASE.  Bench Set: 15 Step or Jump-Up/15 Derkin/15 Dips
  2. Playground: 10 Pull-Ups/15 Jump Squats
  3. Tables Near Main Building: 20 Incline Merkin/15 Carolina Dry Docks
  4. Rock Pile: 15 Curls/15 Tri-Extension/15 Thrusters

Group ran through the 1st circuit together.  Mosey back HOME.  Repeat x 2 at AYG pace.  Repeat Bench Set after round 2 and plank to wait for six.  Plank-o-rama before 3rd repetition.  RAH/RLH/Flapjack/6 inches/Right knee to right elbow/Flapjack/Merkin x 6 IC.  Go for repetition 3.  Stop at lot above Pavilion after rep 3.  On your six.


Flutter x 10 IC/Merkin x 10 OYO/Dolly x10 IC/Wide Merkin x 10 IC/Heels to Heaven x 10/Diamond Merkin x 10/LBC x 20 IC/5 Hand-release Burpees OYO/High Flutter x 10 IC/Hold 45/Rosalita x 10 IC/Hold 6 inches for Brushback 10-count.  Recover.

Mosey over to lot above Entrance 4.  Fly-by the rock pile to make sure all were redistributed into the pile rather than the grass.  Stewards of the AO that we are.

Line up at far end of lot.  Plank.  Right hand forward/Right leg up/Flapjack/High Plank/AYG sprint from High Plank at GO.  Finish at cars at 0615 on the nose.



Saw Brushback at soccer yesterday and he said he would be at this workout.  Glad he made it. Upon arrival, Van Pelt greeted him with, “Dude, I thought you were dead.”  Kotters Brushback.  Life often precludes us from hanging out with our buddies doing man work.  Hope to see you back out soon.

Man, Gummy stayed relatively quiet for a few minutes.  Was hoping he was OK.  Then the call was made for Imperial Squat Walkers.  Flood gates now open.  Just a few of the Gummy offerings today:

“I should have gone to Death Valley.”

“Should have gone to Death Valley.”

“Should have gone to Death Valley.”  (Yes, he said it several times)

“Is there a post-workout feedback form I can fill out?”  Why yes, Comment below.

Maybe it was the company, maybe YHC smelled bad, maybe Gummy missed the DV pax.

Also said something about Bloods and Crips or Turf War when we were twice in the general vicinity of the FIA ladies.   Thanks for the chatter, Gummy.  Always makes the workout more enjoyable.

Speaking of FIA, they appeared to be enjoying this AO.  My weinke put us in their general vicinity on two occasions in a relatively short period of time.  On the first pass, a warm hello was given from several of our group.  Pleasantries reciprocated on the fly by the FIA ladies, who also indicated they were trying to stay out of our way.  Don’t worry about us, ladies, do your thing and enjoy the digs.  Second pass they were at the Pavilion.  YHC made sure they knew we were not following them around campus.  They may have been weirded out a little because they were not seen again.  They looked to be pushing hard.  Way to get after it ladies.

Good to see The Onceler back out.  Been a while.  The Respect group of Snowflake, Van Pelt, and Iron Horse crushed it as usual.  Great work men.  Lobsta, well, he was Lobsta.  Out front and pushing the pace.  Red Rocks and Brilleaux not far behind.  Rest of the crew all pushed hard today, which is usually the case at Anvil.  Lots of encouragement given along the way during the circuit work.  Love that about Anvil and F3.  You can be in your pain cave and you get a hand slap and word of encouragement.  Like pouring gas on a fire.  Just take a minute to imagine trying to do this workout by yourself at 0530.  Would you push as hard as you did today?  Likely that you would not.  Cool to see Sledge, Hammer’s 2.0, push through a tough workout at 13.  Great work Sledge.  Thunder Road keeps getting faster and stronger.  That is what happens when you keep posting.  Solid work today TR.  Same with Utah.  Amazing how much faster and stronger the guy has gotten since beginning F3.

Always thankful to lead this group of men at Anvil.  T-claps to Gummy for the takeout prayer.


Memorial Day Convergence.  09/05/2016.  Stonecrest.  0700-0800.

A51 5-year Anniversary Convergence.  09/14/2016.  Calvary Church (5801 Pineville-Matthews Rd).  0515-0615.

3rd F Evening Group.  Hops on Q.  09/20/2016.  Rusty Onion at Carmel Commons.  1930 (7:30PM). Why is being a #HIM important?  All are welcome.

Southern Discomfort.  2nd Annual A51 CSAUP event.  Put it on your calendar.  Logistics to follow soon.



About the author

Mermaid administrator

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7 years ago

I. Was. Hurting. Probably a whole host of reasons for that, not the least of which was another tough Q by Mermaid. Other than the unorthodox imperial squat walkers, there was nothing half hearted about this downpainnent.

Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
7 years ago

Thanks for continuing to show respect to the FIA group. If not, I woulda heard all about it. My M and Thin Mint’s M were among the group!

Gummy would have complained that much at DV too. I think he is more unhappy in the am then me!

Strong work boys!

Thin Mint
Thin Mint
Reply to  Mermaid
7 years ago

Not only did the M keep me from a planned post at Anvil this week, but she turned around and hit up the AO herself. Talk about getting FiA’d. Sounds like I missed a good one which is no surprise at all with Mermaid at the helm.

7 years ago

Death Valley normally offers many more opportunities to stand around and watch other people work while discussing Gloss’s bathroom habits, Spackler’s drinking problem and other distractions. There was nowhere to hide this morning. I think Horsey took a bigger bite out of me than I thought – legs were heavy this morning.

My feedback on the Q: Why ruin the otherwise lovely Imperial Walker by making us squat. IW is supposed to be easy. And during Mary at the end of the workout, everybody knows that once the Q says to stand up, that’s the end of Mary. Instead, Mermaid made us to 5 burpees and then get back down on the ground. Also, be careful about mentioning your weinke in the sentence right after you talk about FIA.

Good workout, Mermaid. I knew what I was signing up for and you delivered.

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