Climb Mt. CLT to see Chester

  • When:06/0616
  • QIC: Stone Cold
  • The PAX: Tiger Rag, Blue Rhino, MAD, Prohibition, Baracus (LIFO), 49er (LIFO), Utah, Geraldo, Duct work, Fletch, Fishwrap, Laettner, Silent Bob, Stone Cold (QIC)

Climb Mt. CLT to see Chester

14 showed up on a muggy Monday morning at 0515 to get after those hills we affectionately call Horsey McHorseArse. I believe the weather app had the humidity at roughly 96% with a temp of 72 degree. That makes for a tough trot up and down Mt. Charlotte.

Warm-Up jog on Old Bell to the bottom of Blue Ridge Circle.
The Thang:
Run the Mt. Charlotte segment as it is know on Strava for time and as many times as you can. Meet at the Flagpole at 0605. Simple, yeah, right! FYI, Mt. CLT is up Blue Ridge Circle, right onto Mountainview Dr., stay straight where Mt.view becomes Wilby Dr. then left back onto Mt.view and ends at the Flagpole (top of Blue Ridge Circle). That was for you Fletch.
Then, Pledge of Allegiance at the Flag. #solidtradtion (Fishwrap approved).
Head back to the parking lot…running on clouds (flat ground)

The Naked (guy) Moley:
Yep, #Chester made another appearance this am and most if not all of the pax were able to take a gander at this interesting animal. I want to hear the theories of his story in the comments below. Should make for a good BB.
So, Pro thinks its the same guy (fully dressed) that was walking his dog. Then he sees us running by, runs inside, strips down to his jock strap and comes back out with a smoke and cup of coffee.

Fishwrap shows up drenched in sweat before we even launched. He ran in from Cotswold or Uptown or Myers Park in beast training mode to lead the pax along with Laettner. Strong work there fellas.

Ok, so YHC EH’d Fletch at the pool on Sat to try to get my Strava Mt. CLT time off the leader board. Yes, Rosie Ruiz. Fletch did not disappoint as he took off and was never to be seen again until 0605. Now, the problem is Fletch didn’t know the route. So, we’ll need to do this again.

MAD brings the ruck to tackle the hills and Yes, he did. Nice work, although I did see the ruck abandoned at one point.

Geraldo, Duct Work, Utah, Prohibtion, Blue Rhino and TR were all grinding it out. #regulars

Silent Bob was pushing out there and kept me honest on those climbs.

Baracus had a GI challenge this am and had to head back home for intermission but then got right back out in his hood to get in a couple more miles. #dedicated.

And a hearty Kotters welcome to 49er who I also EH’d at his pool party last Monday to get him out to Horsey. YHC hoped it was worth to niner. He escorted BRRaracus out. #safetyfirst

We ran into the Flat ground runners, Ray Charles and The Drill. Great to see you brothers out there. Come join us on the hills sometime.

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High Tide
7 years ago

Well done, gentlemen. That heat & humidity was no joke; I can’t imagine trying to run hills in it. Swinging bells was tough enough, trying not to let the sweaty paws lose their grip and send a bell flying…

Reply to  High Tide
7 years ago

HT- see you next week.

Tclaps to Mad rucking it, I never entertained taking mine out of the car this morning. I passed Chester walking his dog, didn’t notice if he was in his birthday suit but will know better than to have my headlamp on. #Kotters to 49er, nice how Stone Cold is eh’ng PAX at the pool.

7 years ago

Don’t you just love Fishwrap? I do. He runs in 5 from Cotswold, says he “ran big” on Friday and is tired, dominates Mt. Horse’s Arse, then waves off a ride home so he can finish his Monday am 16-miler. Tired, indeed. He’s super-sweet in person, but don’t get on the wrong side of his backblast (

Thanks for having us Metroites down. I missed Chester again — will have to keep posting until we cross paths. And to knock #Rosie down to his rightful #19 slot on the leaderboard. I’m sure with a little practice (and a car), one of us will take down Jesse McEntire and his 5:02 pace on the loop. He gave me 1/2 a kudo on this morning’s run, btw #bffs

7 years ago

When I hear names like Blue Ridge Circle and Mountainview Drive I get a bit concerned. Would prefer to hear things like “Salt Flats Lane” or “Prairie Blvd”.

And I’m impressed buy Baracus’ decision to leave the workout to use proper restroom decisions. I won’t name names but I know a guy pretty well who would have just dropped his trousers in the woods.

Reply to  Joker
7 years ago

Let me just affirm for everyone that there are no proper restroom facilities in the vicinity of this new AO. Might as well find a proper facility or face the prospect of a rash that won’t quit. And I would rather run with both socks.

7 years ago

Thanks for leading today Stone Cold! That was certainly a humid and hilly beat down. As for the ruck, I ran 1 lap without it, and it was easier to walk with the weight than to run without it. So I put it back on. I aspire to be able to run 45-60 min on the hills in a few months. #lookingforprogress. #gottaruntorun. Glad I gave it a try. Thanks for the encouraging words as you all passed me – Fletch, Stone Cold, Tiger Rag, Geraldo, Duct Work, and the others. Strong work, men!

7 years ago

As TR pointed out, Chester looked younger and had a better physique sans clothes, so it may not have been the dog walker. All I know is the dog walker was right in front of Chester’s house with the same coffee mug and was pulling his dog so hard (while the dog was trying to pull a Baracus) looking like he was trying to get somewhere quickly to just maybe change into just a jock strap…and only a jock strap. Quite disturbing yet took my mind off the pain that is Mt. Charlotte…for a minute.

7 years ago

Great route(s) today Stone Cold. Missing part of the instructions allowed me the opportunity to sample a couple loops. TR even talked me into running to a Yucca plant at the top of Old Bell which was not a good idea. Couple of Punishing Hills over there. The guy in the flesh colored speedo was seriously creeping me out this morning. Lots of strong efforts out there on this humid monday morning. Fishwrap (run in/out) with hills in the middle – impressive.

7 years ago

Crepuscular oddities abound:
–A man peeing in my parking space (just Wrap marking his territory)
–A bethonged shape-shifter
–A haunted trail to Boo Radley’s house at the bottom of Mt. View
–A rip in the time/space continuum (#Rosie)
–A cult pledging allegiance to a flag atop a green LED pole.

Who’s weirder: the residents or the ones who run up and down their hills at 0515?

Silent Bob
7 years ago

Mount Charlotte is like a little sliver of the BRR course at night transported into the heart of South Charlotte. And by that I don’t mean the hills themselves, though they’re certainly BRR-worthy.

7 years ago

Not sure what’s weirder – the name, the site, or the BB comments.

Hope to be back out soon to experience the twilight zone of running workouts.

Love the pledge.

7 years ago

Thanks Laettner, I like you too. And I’m not really an asshole, just play one in F3 #trending. Okay, so that was downright enjoyable. It didn’t matter that I was made to put up a sizable monetary deposit, nor was I opposed to being placed on a 30 day probationary term to participate and promise not to be a loud and obnoxious prick in the meantime #TigerRagRules – love that you didn’t tag Metro on this BB. Just happy to be hanging with this crew. Area 51/South does it right. Where else can you flirt with (or get molested by) the “I always party naked” in my jockstrap fetish guy(c’mon, man, mail doesn’t run on Sunday and it sure as hell doesn’t arrive @530a Monday. Just grab a chair and sit and watch) and honor the American Flag w/ the Pledge of Allegiance all in the course of an hour? Fun to see TR, Stone Cold, Prohibition and Silent Bob (even though I’ve never liked him much) – sorry, didn’t catch many names @COT as Laettner thought it important to conduct a sobriety field test prior to my departure. Oh yeah, kind of glad Fletch made a wrong turn early so I needn’t worry about getting lapped.

See you next Monday.

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