TBQ Avoidance

  • When:06/19/2015
  • QIC: Mermaid
  • The PAX: Chelms aka Tater Tot (respect), E-time (FNG-Drew), Hops, Purple Haze, Tuck, Snowflake (respect), Scabby (RI), Brushback, Rip Curl (respect), Abacus, Escargot, Pulp Fiction

TBQ Avoidance

YHC got a GPS watch yesterday and had to try it out with a run in and back from Centurion.  Tried to clear the bowels prior to launch from the casa.  Mission not accomplished.  12 pax arrived ready for the weekly downpainment provided by Centurion.  YHC poked a bit by comments made via Twitter regarding Centurion and “moderate.”  Hard to make sense of that given the unrelenting high intensity of a Centurion beatdown.  Every time.  Off we go.


Mosey up Walsh toward the plaza at 51 and Carmel.  Stop for COP at office building below Panera.


SSH x 10 IC

Merkin x 10 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC

Werkin x 10 IC

Squat x 10 IC

Crucible Merkin x 10

Mosey through plaza lot and cut through the plaza to corner of 51 and Carmel.  Cross over 51 and continue down Carmel to north side of plaza.  Around plaza to Palatine lot.

Belly Start Sprints x 5 short rest.  80 yards.

Mosey over to base of Palatine Hill.

Palatine Repeats

Sprint up Palatine.  5 burpee.  Back down.  5 Jump Squat.  Continue repeats for 8 minutes.  Pax got between 6 and 8 reps.


Flutter x 25 IC/Hold/Heels to Heaven x 25/Hold

Mosey back the way we came, across 51 and back to the Panera plaza.  SSH x 15 IC to wait for six.

Stairway Repeats

Start with 5 diamond merkin.  Run up stairs. and over 2nd floor hallway to stairs on other side of plaza.  Stop at the tanning place for 5 merkin.  Repeat for 8 minutes.


Flutter Crunch x 25 IC/Hold/Freddie Mercury x 25 IC

Mosey back down Walsh toward CCHS launch lot.

6-count burpees x 20 IC (Hops called cadence at YHC’s request)



If you have done these workouts for a while you have experienced pre-TBQ or been forced to exit a workout to empty the bowels.  Halfway to CCHS YHC realized this would be an issue for the day. Not much you can do at the halfway point on foot when you are the Q and 0530 is rapidly approaching. Rolled the dice with that and today was lucky.  The pull of McD’s bathroom was strong, but intestinal fortitude won the day.

As usual, Chelms threw a dig at the Brave, which resulted in a bear poke regarding intensity.  We covered 2.4 miles today, much of that at high intensity.   5 belly start sprints got the heart rate up.  Palatine work kept it high.  Stair work hurt after Palatine.  Chelms, Hops, Brushback, Haze, Snowflake, Scabby pushing the pace today on repeats.  Abacus, Rip Curl, Escargot, Pulp Fiction all pushing hard for 45.  Great to see Tuck with the pax today.  Getting back into F3 after some time off.  Keep posting.  Strong work today.  Welcome to our FNG, E-time, who is an intern with Chelms and a Charlotte native (CCHS and NC State alum).  You did great today.  Asked Chelms if he rolled in a mention of the performance review with the EH.  Keep on posting E-time.


The Stand: new book study started today.  Kingdom Man.  Haze and Champagne on Q.

Ultimate Mud Run Challenge: 10/24/2015.  Get your 4-man teams together.  More info to follow.  YHC is A51 Q

Southern Discomfort.  10+ miles with stops at 9 AO’s.  08/01/2015.


About the author

Mermaid administrator

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8 years ago

Ready for winter weather.
Solid Q Mermaid. Thought you were sure to shart during the squat jumps…impressive taming of the prairie dog. Could tell you were fighting that varmint, especially as you jogged away after COT.
I, too, had my GPS watch on for the 1st time…then forgot to start it. #learningcurve
Enjoyed being in Brushback’s wake on the sprint work. #smokeboots
We only did 19 6-count burpees (the anti-Churpee) at the end, so you 10k merkin challengers need to add another one to your daily regimen.

8 years ago

Typical unrelenting Q from Mermaid. That was some serious effort to keep the turtlehead at bay.
Repeats are a nice mindtrick #weinkematerial
We give Chelms grief but the dude has crazy endurance; Hops and Haze are grinders too.

Crushing to circle up at COT and see all us vets smoked and then look over at the #youngbuck E-time and he isn’t even breathing hard. #firewood

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Brushback
8 years ago

Thanks Brushback – ALl will power as I’m average in athletic ability.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
8 years ago

Kicking the fire ant hill called “The Brave” is fun as long as I get my foot out quickly.

E-time is not yet an alumni (or is is alumnus) of NCSU but I think they did include his diploma in the welcome packet when he started (they don’t even go thru the ruse of making you take correspondence classes there). He doesn’t get credit at work for the early morning beat-down since I lapped him om Palentine but he will be stronger. Same end result I suspect.

Mermaid – Great push out there. Centurion honor was properly defended.

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