Pepe Silvia

Pepe Silvia

Date: 2024-04-19 AO: the-brave Q: Palmolive PAX: fire_hazard, Franky, frasier, midriff, picasso, soft_pretzel FNGs: None COUNT: 7 There are so many options in this AO that it’s a little hard to limit bootcamping to get the 4 miles. Also, the Q also has so many excuses that it’s a little hard to limit the reasons he was dragging at the end of the workout.
WARMUP: Mosey to parking deck on Lower Ave and do series of Frankensteins, lunge stretches/walk, and high knees. Line up at each ramp for 30 second plank then sprint up a level. After 2 floors, take the stairs back down.
THE THANG: Run to the pond on Lower Ave and grab some rocks at the top of the path. Rifle carry to every turn, then =/< 10 goblet squats at every turn. Drop the rocks at the bottom then head to Stream Park on Upper Ave. Knock out a few reps of pull ups, WW1s, kraken merkins, jump squats, and pretzel crunches. Head across 521 to the Brixham Hill pond. 15 (2 as 1) Bulgarian split squats at the first wall. 15 decline merkins at the second wall. Finish looping around the pond and go to the overpass hill. Bear Crawl up the hill with merkins every time someone growls. 30 monkey humpers mooning 521 then back to the parking lot by the pond on Lower Ave for some Mary. Head back to launch to finish out the mileage. MARY: Throughout the workout. ANNOUNCEMENTS: WTF tomorrow. 9 years in F3 for our beloved nantan. COT: I took us out.

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