Wall SIT OR Face Penalty

Wall SIT OR Face Penalty

Date: 2024-02-27 AO: bagpipe Q: Rousey PAX: Starch, kirby, wildturkey, war_eagle, Steve Freeman (Chapel Hill Pax) FNGs: None COUNT: 6
Circled up- Side Shuffles ( Left To Right then Right to left ) with Sprawls for 1 minute . Side Straddle Hop Windmills Speed Skaters Superman’s Plank – Right hand Left Ankle Touch , followed up with Merkin. (Alternate Hands) Suite case Crunch Right Left Forward Lunge – Worlds Greatest Stretch.
THE THANG: 25lb weight plates 60 lb Sandbags
Tabata work out : 40 seconds each set, 10 seconds rest.
3 sets in each round for a total of 3 rounds.
Whiteboard Beatdown: Savage in Training Round 1: 3x SB Squat Thrusters 3x Sb Plank drags (Right to left) with Merkin 3x SB Lunges
Round 2 :
3x SB Flutters 3x SB Overhead Press 3x SB Squat Thrusters
Round 3: Repeat 1 and 2 rounds ( Ran out of time)
Modify – 25lb Weight plates instead of Sand Bags.
Ran around Loch Ness Lake Lake 3 times, with Sandbag, after each round of a Tabata Workout . Sand bag on your lap. If fail, Sand Bag Burpee Squat jump.. Round 3 :
Then finish each round with Sand Bag Drag up the Hill.
kirby set the tone early by making us laugh during warm ups and beatdown. The mumble Chatter continued as we continued to push thru each round with painful wall sits. Great vibes all around. So happy u came out buddy. We leaned on each other to stay motivated and complete each set / round without facing burpee penalty for not completing the wall sit timer . Big Props to kirby for staying back with the Chapel hill pax and staying on course with the White board workout . wildturkey: This man has no quit in him. The more brutal the work, the more fun he has. You can see it in his face. wildturkey resiliency is second to none. Puro Salvaje :japanese_ogre:! Starch progress has been Amazing. He is a grinder . He caught a second wind and pushed thru the 2 min wall sit like it was nothing.. He’s got my vote for SOB Rookie of the year!
If you ever need to know anything about having a well balanced skin care routine, make sure u hit up war_eagle. I harder the beating the stronger war_eagle got. :muscle:. Happy to have Chapel hill Pax , Steve Freeman, work out with us this morning . I hope to see you again buddy .
ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: March 9 : Madison Daughter Courage Race March 8 : Blood Drive April 20 : Waxhaw Trail race :dash: PuFF Puff pass while you run

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SlackBlast author

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