Crock pot bbq is a sin …

Crock pot bbq is a sin …

Date: 2023-08-18 AO: kevlar Q: hoover PAX: poptart, Orange Whip, Rudy, ChickenWing, Horsehead, Limey, 0 FNGs: 1 0 COUNT: 7 The Magnificent 7 (not the original actors or even actors from the re-make, more like the stunt doubles from a home video recreation) showed up to Kevlar on a cool morning for August. Here’s what went down:
WARMUP: Ran around the wet soccer field then did a bunch of old-man exercises. Orange Whip thought we wouldn’t get any mileage in, he was quickly proven wrong.
THE THANG: 3 rounds of 4 corners: Merkins in the middle x 10, Diamonds, Heels to Heaven, Wide-arm, Squats
Gassers across the field with increasing burpee count #crowdpleaser
Run to gazebo and grab a lifting rock: triple nickel with shoulder presses / jump squats
MARY: Never saw the good side of the city
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There’s a new board, Orange Whip is (sort of) in charge Waxhaw is having their big Labor Day Convergence BRR is only 3 weeks away, better start training Horsehead committed to quit smoking during workouts The soccer field has a lot of divots, but no one got injured
COT: Limey took us out, then ran for his car and almost took us out trying to get home
Limey and Pop Tart rolled in complaining about how sore they were from the beating Runstopper laid down at Hydra yesterday.
Observation: A common topic at most workouts is the frequency of bowel movements pre-workout, during a workout, and post workout. Today didn’t disappoint. Rudy? Limey? any comments?
Orange Whip didn’t know what a triple-knickel was. Almost failed the nan’taan test because of that. It’s only by the grace of Pop Tart’s expert tutoring (and a streaking incident at Chili’s last night) that we’re going to allow him to stay in that role
Pop Tart had pulled pork last night, from the crock pot. Horsehead informed him that crock pot bbq might as well be vegan bbq and serving that is a crime punishable by death in at least 6 states.
In total we hit 2.5 miles and 180 merkins. Not too shabby for a Friday bootcamp.
Full House was casually wrapping up mile 12 of a 16 mile run and stopped in after COT. Looking strong.

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