Is it a sand bag or should we call a coroner?

Is it a sand bag or should we call a coroner?







7 pax gladly (?? – no advance notice of  my plan) helped me with Grow Ruck training this am.  Emoji, fresh transplant from F3 Richmond, quickly asked if I had a dead body in the taped up bag I brought.   He was relieved, for a moment, to find out it was just a home wrapped sand bag.  The “plan” was to wing it and see how things played out.

The Thang:

COP for warm up with SSH, Merkings, Mtn Climbers, and Cotton Pickers

YHC picked up the bag and led the pax over to CCHS.    We took turn carrying the sand bag down the entranceway and past the deck down to Little Ave.    PAX would lunge walk or broad jump until bag carrier got a head start and then would sprint to catch up.   The “winner” got to carry the bag for the next segment.  I think Hops, Point Break, Snooka, and Snowflake all got turns.

Grab a rock and head down to the practice field via the treacherous path down the hill.   Partner up.   We did series of partner runs and exercises (one partner runs and other does called exercise).    Curls, Overhead presses, Curls, and then running partner carries rock (or sand bag) while exercise was Dolly, Flutter, Boone LBC.

One minute of perfect form sit ups while partner holds feet and then flap jack (hands locked behind head).

Over to tires with two teams of four flipping tire for a few minutes.

Grab rocks and head back up to parking deck, dropping off rocks on the way.

Bottom of short ramp for more partner work.    Backward run up and back, karaoke up and back and run up and back with merkins, dolly, and burpees.

Up to level 4 via short ramps with merkins at each turn (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 – that sucked).   A few minutes of wall sit before heading back to Amalies.  We repeated the sand bag chase up the lane in front of school.

Finished with another round of perfect form sit up for one minute each partner.

Naked Moleskin

Welcome Emoji from Richmond.    In addition to asking odd questions about dead bodies he got referrals for dentist, doctor, chiropractor, masseuse, bookies and who knows what else (Snowflake had to get out his dusty contact book).

Welcome back Mild Dew after a stint to see if he could become a world champion kick boxer.   I think you can convince the guys at Meathead to do a few rounds of kick boxing with you.

Average age today was over 50 with two 60’s, several in the mid 50’s and only three under 50.   Snooka and Snowflake prove that age doesn’t have to hold you back if you keep after it consistently.

PT test – 52 sit ups (hands locked behind head) in 2 minutes, 42 merkins in two minutes, and two mile run in under 18:30.  Work on it even if you are not interested in a Grow Ruck.

For a real challenge, check out Shorecard on Tuesday morning (5:15) in lower deck of parking deck next to Poppy’s bagels at Providence and Sharon Amity or SACs in Area 51 (Cheese curd runs a tight ship there).

Anouncements/prayer requests

Please continue to pray for Jennings Palmer and About Times family as they continue on journey to beat Jennings cancer.  He is doing great but they still have a long way to go to make sure they are out of the woods.

As always, an honor and a privilege.

About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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3 years ago

That’s the closest I’ve come to being war baby in a long time.
Was fun to sneak on the practice football field. They’ve actually planted grass and watered it since I was last there.
Wonder if the old tide liquid detergent bottles painted black for F3 that Escargot squirreled away are still there amidst the construction?
Anybody seen Long Distance?

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