Turnbuckle’s Push

Turnbuckle’s Push

Did you ever think Turnbuckle would push you to work harder?  Me neither, but he did today.  Here’s that story….


I put out a call last night for the men of Waxhaw to try something new.  All but 1 decided to stay with their same ole, comfy workout.  Thanks TB for making it a workout of 2 instead of 1.

5:14.  TB and I start to accept the fact that it will be just him and I.  He suggests relocating to Cuthbertson but I know that is damn near a knock out blow to a newly opened site so I hold firm in keeping the workout here.  I ask if we need to do DiCCS and TB laughs.  “No, I think I go it” says TB.   I make it known that I’ve got a cell phone and CPR.  Watch for cars.  Lets go.



Mosey towards bad idea.  Stop at the Cemetery for stretches with merkins mixed in to keep us on our toes.



Jogged to the bottom of Bad Idea and then back up to the stop sign.  Rest if needed then back to the bottom for round 2.  I saw TB pushing hard up the hill so I decided to run with him.  We got to the top and TB was a mixture of relived and proud.   I didn’t have the heart to tell him he had to do it again so I audibled and we ran back to the school.  Along the way TB commenting that he was struggling with the running today.  More than last week.  He had apparently never done a boot camp after giving blood.

We get to the back side of the school where I had developed a hybrid AMRAP course.  It was only 0.12 miles around with four exercises.  Merkins, Fence Squat Jumps, Walking Lunges, and Foot Release Squats.  The difficult part was a decent set of stairs and a progressive count.  Round 1 started with 5 of each.  Round 2: 10 reps.  Round 3: 15.   We made it to Round 5 before I decided that was enough.

While at the bottom of the stairs, Foundation drifted into my head (Why,  I do not know.  But I often see Deflated day dreaming and I suppose that’s what he’s thinking of as well) and I decided that before heading to our next destination, we should do 5 calf raises on each step.  TB now hates me.

Mosey to the side of the school for 10 Merkins and 10 Donkey kicks.  Continue on your own down to 1 and 1.

About 3 minutes left so we mosey to the parking lot and I ask for one final jail break to the cars to empty our tanks.  We get there and there is 1 minute left and we are at 1.95 miles.  C’est ne pas bon (That’s no good).  So I tell TB lets go walk the last minute to roll us to 2 miles.   We arrive back to COT on time and at 2.01 miles.  I’m about to start name-o-rama when TB hits me with a question I wasn’t prepared for.  “Want to go get in another half mile?”   Uh….yeah?!  So off we go.  The first quarter mile was at a jog.  The second quarter mile was a mix of jogging and walking, and the last quarter mile (yes, we went over) was all walking.  So today, The Lycan was an hour long workout.  Thanks for the push TB!



  • Great push from TB today.  Even more so when you realize he gave blood on Saturday.  I think most of us know the toll that puts on the body that first workout.
  • I will take this time to raise up TB.  He’s one of the highest of High Impact Men in our group, yet his work often goes unnoticed and unrecognized.  For those not aware, let me share all the things TB does to lift himself, his family, and this group up.  I didn’t intend for this BB to be all about TB, but quite frankly I feel he needs to be recognized for all his hard work (plus he was the only pax in attendance so who else am I going to talk about?).
    • TB’s runs are getting further and faster.  For those that haven’t noticed, he’s hitting more boot camps lately and keeping up with the clydesdales.  He is pushing as hard as he can to be able to stay with the group and be a part of the group.
    • TB continues to push himself on his weight loss journey.  He’s lost 70 pounds with a goal of being down 100 pounds later this year.
      • Many thanks to those that have helped him on his weight loss journey.  Several have encouraged him.  A few have gotten down and dirty to push him at workouts, go rucking with him, or talk through his diet.  Thanks to those men that have gone the extra mile to help another man.
    • He recently took on the role of Co Site Q at Diesel.  A role I know he is very proud of.  Reach out to TB to Q Diesel (before he reaches out to you!).
    • TB is active in several 3rd F events.
      • He helps to manage Christ Closet folding events, give aways, and furniture pick ups.
      • He has run the last four blood drives which have accounted for 4/5 of all blood F3 Waxhaw has donated.
      • He and his family are active participants with Rice and Beans in up town Charlotte.
      • When help is requested, he is one of the first men to step up.
    • If you haven’t had the pleasure of getting to know TB, I highly suggest you reach out to him after a workout.  His attitude and drive is infectious.  If only he wasn’t a damn Yankees fan….
  • This was the third Q this year that I had 3 or less pax in attendance.  Its getting harder and harder to tell my ego that its the site and not me.  Please show up to The Lycan in full force next week so I can stop wondering and finally confirm that its me.

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