Monthly Archive December 2020

Go, Shorty… It’s your Birthday!

28 freeloaders responded to the rumors that there might be refreshments and morning booze offered up at the end of today’s workout. 2 former Hydra co-Site Qs decided to reunite in order to co-Q an hour of misery and miscommunication (representative of the 2 years they spent together leading Hydra). Aside from their birthdates, they have yet to discover any other common traits, interests, or characteristics. The show went something like this…

  1. Gummy gave a disclaimer, led a warmup, and led this thing where you lift and carry rocks across a parking lot while running aimlessly back and forth
  2. Sprockets took over and disappointed everyone by having them pick up some pre-selected rocks right next to the ones they’d recently deposited, then took them to the roundabout:
  3. Laps with Rocks
    1. Lunge walk, 10 bent-over rows at each 1/4 lap (then an elbow plank extension thing)
    2. Carry overhead, 10 tricep extensions at each 1/4 lap (elbow plank hip dip thing)
    3. Lunge walk, 5 thrusters at each 1/4 lap
    4. Bear crawl merkin countdown
  4. Wall Work
    1. Chair – curls with rock
    2. BTTW… hip taps
    3. Chair – curls with rock
    4. Wall Tarjiah (sp?)
  5.   4 Corners Field work in the rice paddy
    1. 20 Merkins
    2. 20 American Hammers
    3. 20 CDDs
    4.    20  LBCs
  6. Return to launch for 47 Freddy Murchisons (1 rep for each year Gummy has graced this world with his presence)


  • Please keep the Palmer family in your prayers, as their son Jennings is battling Leukemia
  • This was YHC’s last scheduled Q in A51. He is moving to Boone, but is immeasurably grateful for F3, these pax, and the 2.5 years they’ve helped him call Charlotte home.

Put Me in Coach

DICCS given while I was rolling up in parking lot screaming out the truck window, since I was running a tad bit late–

Warm up– Mosey up towards school turn circle back to grab a few PAXS that were actually later than me…Continue Mosey to circle island down below near fields.

20 SSH–10 Low Slow Squats–10 Merkins in Cadence– upward dog– downward dog– can opener stretch and runners pose–Mosey down trail stopping before bridge for  Al Gore while 6 catches up- Mosey to Millbridge parkway and wait on 6 in plank position.

The Thang

Mosey up to first street on the left (Golden View) for CLEAR AS MUD directions- Follow the road around and around the cul-de sac and back up (June) to (Millbridge) and back to starting point. At each intersection and there are 7 do the follow exercise..

Intersection 1-20 – Speed Skaters- 1 Burpee-

Intersection 2- 20- Bonnie Blairs- 2- Burpee

Intersection 3-20- Jungle Boy Squats- 3 burpees

Intersection 4- 20 Speed Skaters- 4 burpees

Intersection 5- 20 Bonnie Blairs- 5 burpees

Intersection 6- 20 Jungle Boys – 6 burpees

Intersection 7- 7 Burpees and circle back for the 6

Rinse and Repeat this one more time but only running between (June rd )and (Golden View rd) not all the way around.

Mosey down hill to trail head back to Kenningston and when at bottom

20- Jungle Boys- 20 Bonnies Blair’s while the 6 comes in

Mosey to clubhouse parking lot for a Zinfandel favorite since it was his original Q–

Bear Crawl/Dry Dock- 4 bear crawls- 1 dry dock and work our way up to 40/10– yikes  we stopped at 28/7

Walk to other lot for a Doughboy Favorite ( dude is not affected in the least way by AB work).

1 Big Boy- 4 LBC or pistol LBCS depending on what I call– get to 10/40 as above- we stopped this at 28/7 also

Finish up Bear crawl/Dry Dock begin at 32/8 and get to our goal of 40-10-yikes.

Finish up our Big Boy/LBC – starting at 8/32 and getting to our goal of 10/40- yikes.

Mosey Back to COT

60 Speed Skaters/80 Bonnie Blair’s/80 Jungle Boys/56 burpees– LEG DAY BABY!!



As always, I love Qing this group of dudes and appreciate the opportunity as usual. Last night while driving home when I was SAFETY stopped at a stop sign and catching up on GroupMe I noticed a interesting post…. I noticed I had to step up help my boy Zinfandel out as he had the opportunity to take the wifey out on the town. Today we did a fast paced total body workout but I am sure most peoples legs will be screaming at them tomorrow. A few call outs from today

Deep Dish- Has graduated to the gazelle group- heck of a job brother. I would advise you to see ignition, swarm or pursuit groups soon– FYI though if they get wind you like to run they turn into bullies and yell at you and bully you into working out with them.. Heads up brother

Goodfella- always crushes it and then makes everyone feel better saying he is winded and sore– blah blah blah- we almost believed you.

Doughboy- WTF is the deal with your ABS– you were 2 cycles ahead of( I am the Darn Q) on every big boy– nice job man

Bread Boy- Has spread his scent at yet another site- SHOCKER

Banjo- glad you came out brother- good seeing you back out

Maddog- Nice ride brother- I thought I was following Zin this morning and I was getting a little nervous he was going to take my darn Q- Nice push as always brother.

Jwow- heck of a job and nice to see you back out after Popeye tried to kill us yesterday.

Centerfold- WOW- few months removed from surgery and back at it

Premature and SugarDaddy- fellows have been crushing it lately and logging some serious miles



Goodfella has some big news on a big project he has been working on for 3 years- I will not blast it here yet but AWESOMENESS.

Deep Dish- the 6th man. He would see Goodfella at flag football games and saw his F3 shirt and asked him about. he showed up at Dromedary the following Wednesday and it was on…. 35lbs down, running like a gazelle and been with us 15 months..

Lots of 2nd Fs today which everyone knows about- painting, moving furniture ect..

Next Saturday cross-country trails will be put in over at 5 stones if your free bring chainsaws, rakes, pruners, muscle- it will start around 8:30am. They will allow us to use them as well and we might even have access to Fuse Boxes bathroom if we need and if we can continue trails to Champion Forest.



Where Do You Hide Your Elf On The Shelf?

Just what the world needs.  Another Waxhaw Backblast.  You’re welcome.

If you showed up for Swarm today, surprise, it’s just a 1.5 mile warmup and test drive through the AMRAP course so Dasher can feel comfortable about leaving early for his vacation to the beautiful city of Raleigh in December.

Swarm circled back, grabbed the Impromptu crew and off we went to the high school stairs for version 34 of Recalc’s AMRAP.

Most people were probably already prepared for today’s course thanks to the outstanding job Recalc did on the preblast map.  That being said, everything was laid out and easy to read on cones.

The Thang:

Station 1: Run to the top of the stairs by the school for Squats x 20

Station 2:  Run down the path to the intersection that takes you up to the traffic circle for 20 Big Boy Situps

Station 3:  Run to Rudy’s Shed for Donkey Kicks x 20

Station 4:  Run to the basketball court for Bunny Hops the length of the court and back

Station 5: Run to benches behind middle school for Derkins x 10

Station 6:  Run to the Breezeway, Bear Crawl length of breezeway

Before you start second lap, 2 burpess, increase by 2 burpess every lap

Time was called at 6:10


So where do you hide your Elf on the Shelf?  How long does it take to hide it?  These are all great questions.  When Sugar Daddy didn’t make the Swarm start this morning it was because he was hiding his Elf on the Shelf.  Well done, looks like you started the AMRAP a little early today.

Perfect weather for an AMRAP this morning.  Not to hold, not too cold.  Don’t tell that to Deflated who was completely covered except for his eyes.  Maybe it wasn’t even him.  Bottlecap and Easy Button were tagged with “overdressing” as well.

Most PAX got in between 3.5 and 5 rounds.  Great job for a new course.  Besides the bunny hops I’ll give two thumbs up to version 34.  Can’t wait to see what version 35 brings to the table.

Until next month gents……..

Swinging into your 60’s

10 PAX overcame fartsackville on a balmy 42 deg Friday morn for the latest episode of #overdrive.  Our co-site Qs, Hairband and Lamont, needed an emergiQ.  Being a good looking, forever 49 yo, ultra-wise, and humble guy, YHC offered to modify his recent meathead weinke to fit in some running and hillwork.  I also promised no merkins or bomb jacks to lure out Shepherd.  The latter did not work.


Lil mosey around the parking lot and along the main road.  That’s enough running….what is this, a Glass Joe Q?

20 SSH – IC

10 Windmills (sorta) – IC

10 LSS – IC

Squat stretch L/R/C – OYO

10 Arm Circles (in memory of Woody) – IC

The Thang – YHC is a science teacher, so I do what most teacher’s do….rehash and reimagine a lesson plan/weinke from my Wed Meathead Q.

Set 1 – Alternating 10 1H swings with 10 rack walking lunges.   Flip flop right and left until you get to 50 swings and 50 racked walking lunges.

Set 2 – Alternating 10 cleans with 10 rack walking lunges.   Flip flop right and left until you get to 50 cleans and 50 racked walking lunges.

Set 3 – Swings and Squats

  • 20 swings
  • 10 racked squats – Left
  • 20 swings
  • 10 racked squats – Right
  • 10 swings
  • 10 Bull Dogs

Run a Hairband mile/Lamont Recovery Lap

Set 4 – Swings and Romanian Deadlifts

  • 20 swings
  • 10 1-leg RDL – Left
  • 20 swings
  • 10 1-leg RDL – Right
  • 10 swings
  • 10 KB LBCs

Run a Hairband mile/Lamont Recovery Lap

Set 5 – 7’s on the Hill with the KB

  • Carry bell to top of the hill.
  • Top Lawn mowers – count each hand.
  • Carry bell to bottom of hill.
  • Bottom Goblet Squat.

Run a Hairband mile/Lamont Recovery Lap





Great work today by all the PAX.  The the hill 7’s with the kettlebell was a crowd pleaser, especially at the end of the workout.  Carrying a bell for that long got old fast, but was worth it.  A few observations.

  • Lamont turned 60 today. Double respect indeed!  He sheepishly revealed it in the COT If this is 60 I cannot wait to be that age.  Lamont continually leads the pack in effort, speed, and form.  You are an inspiration!  I told you that already, but you probably did not have your hearing aids in.
  • Hairband was worried that the PAX that promised music were late and he would have to listen to my singing during the whole workout.  Also he did waiter’s carries on the 7s…..much respect….shoulders like boulders!
  • Pinto came in hot on two wheels 5 min late doing his best Bernake impression.  Solid work today!
  • Speaking of Bernake he was on site by 528…..a pre Christmas miracle!!
  • Midway (Pinto’s 2.0) saved the day by brining the speaker and playlist.  Hairband’s sphincter relaxed some, I’m told.  YHC got to work alongside Midway during the 7’s…..great effort!
  • Golddigger – We need to rename him Johnny Cash.  The man is in black always….quietly working hard!
  • Harambe – Out in front per usual with the 60 yo double respect Lamont.  Brother was doing work the day before a crazy spartan-style race.  Good luck!
  • Zebra – I am impressed how he has fought back from an ankle break.  Way to modify and workhard!
  • Counter Top – Great work today especially on the swings and lunges, that combo is tough on the carido.  Great work pushing through! Sorry no merkins today!  My next Q will make up for it.

Thanks for allowing  me to lead.

Unplugged out!


Deck the Halls: Nine is Fine!

Here we go again with the 5th iteration of something that shouldn’t have happened once.  15 PAX popped the red pill (and some ibuprofen) and posted at The Brave for the most ambitious and Christmassy Deck Run ever.  We covered 5-6 miles and conquered a world record 9 decks.  It was great on so many levels.

That’s right, 9 decks were ascended; the most of any Deck Run in recorded history.  Here is a little historical context:

  • Deck Run I – 11/20/15 – 13 PAX – 7 decks
  • Deck Run II – 6/9/17 – 18 PAX – 8 decks
  • Deck Run III – 10/19/18 – 23 PAX – 5.5 decks for most (foiled by security), 8 for Kirby/PJ/Mighty
  • Deck Run IV – 10/18/19 – ? PAX – 8 decks (PSA: write backblasts)
  • Deck Run V – 12/4/20 – 15 PAX – 9 decks

Here’s how it went down.  And up.

0520.  Taco Stand heads out early, and solo, looking to keep his heart rate down for his #MAF training.  If you ask YHC, this lone wolf has the biggest heart of the bunch.  No seriously, you should get that checked out Taco, it’s a dangerous condition.

0525.  YHC rolls up and Cheese Curd is already there, strapping on his ruck.  Usually it is not a ruck that Curd is strapping on in dimly lit parking lots, but that is a different story for a different time.  Recuping from a recent injury, Curd has decided to use the sure-fire rehab strategy of walking up concrete ramps while carrying a bunch of extra weight.  Curd is now primed to shatter the glass ceiling of parking deck-related sports by being the first man to ever ruck the Deck Run.  But if he is rucking can we still call it the Deck Run?  It’s definitely not the Deck Ruck because there are runners.  Let’s go with the Deck… Thing.

0526.  The nervous energy and determination are palpable.  YHC can sense the PAX are eager to get started on this unprecedented, audacious feat.  The kind of feat that you tell you grandkids about one day.  The kind of feat that Frehley’s could have told his grandkids about TODAY, if he had shown up.  The kind of feat that you get a tattoo over, like Rock Thrill’s IronMan or Tolkien’s Spartan, except dumber and even more regrettable.  Speaking of which, Wingy how is the logo coming?

0527.  Tagalong reaches into his beard, removes a headlamp and straps it on. He is now ready to finally gain the respect of his family and friends.

0528.  Disclaimer & instructions are urgently and dramatically delivered as Kirby casually searches his car for a headlamp. Even with stakes this high, with everything on the line, Kirby CANNOT be rattled.  He flat out refuses.  One time Kirby and Chuck Norris had a staring contest and Chuck Norris killed himself with a roundhouse kick TO HIS OWN FACE mid-contest. True story.

0529.  Tolkien reluctantly saunters up, looking like he is only there because YHC talked him into it.  YHC is ok with this.

0530.  And just like that, it’s go time.  No more talk.  No more casually looking for personal items.  Let’s do this!

Midriff’s shorts are high but his excitement is higher.  He leads the PAX out of the gate and stays out in front for most of the run. The nine decks start falling, one by one.  A nucleus of YHC/Wingman/Midriff/Softie/Wild Turkey/Tolkien/Tagalong/Brexit/Goonie forms, with smaller groups breaking off and doing what they need to do to get the job done.

It was fun to look up now and then and see PAX in different decks.  While running North on Community House we spotted Kirby and Teddy running in the Hampton Inn deck.  While on the roof of one of the Community House decks we spotted Taco on the roof of the next deck.  We are everywhere and cannot be stopped.

After crushing the 9 decks and honestly just embarrassing them, the various groups coalesced back at launch with a few minutes to spare.  All groups, that is, except the dynamic duo of Sweetwater and Das Boot.  These two overachievers decided to tack on an extra three quarters of a mile to the route before returning home.  Why?  Because they eat pieces of sh*t like you for breakfast, that’s why.

With our spirits high, bolstered by the satisfaction of knowing we had each taken more deck than any man that had come before us, we stood 6 feet apart and pondered life’s great questions.  Who is on Q next week?  Does it make sense to go to the 10-year F3 anniversary (spoiler alert: no it does not).  When is the next Deck Run/Thing?  Are there horse socks?

So what did we learn from Deck Run V?  For YHC it is this.

  1. It is an incredible gift to go on these pointless adventures with you fine fellows
  2. Next year 10 decks is the only option

Be honest, you thought there would be more deck-related puns in this backblast.

Coming in 2021: COVID vaccines but more importantly, Deck Run VI10 decks – “The Deckathalon”


Learning Proper Burpee Form

The Warmup

Starting the morning at HOT 25 degrees can always be painful but feels like heaven after 10- minutes. DiCCS were given two minutes before 5:30 and Zinfandel stated just like Premature to be two minutes early.

17 PAX started off with a Mosey to Dreamchasers not for a beer but “simple” warmup.

20 SSH

15 Imperial walkers

10 downward and 10 upward dog

Calf stretch 15 seconds per leg

Left and right runners stretch

Mosey to the large open parking lot to start the THANG

The Thang

The Thang was simple, four exercises and running. Cannot get any easier.

PAX learned the proper parts of completing a burpee or as Chastain taught me “The Deconstructed Burpee” however I added a twist, performing the burpee Paula Abdul style.

  • 20 Merkins – run to second pole and back one
  • 15 In and Outs – run second pole and back one
  • 10 Bobby Hurley – run second pole and back one
  • 5 Burpees
  • Repeato 5 times to complete first row

PAX arrived at end of the street and One Star thanked me it was done. I laughed since he did not know that was the beginning. PAX circled up to complete 50 Merkin Circle and I gave the command to begin the next set of deconstructed burpees, starting with 20 Merkins. After Merkins, PAX ran to Providence Road, completed 15 In and Outs, and headed south to enter the road with the large hill to finish the burpee set, 10 Bobby Hurleys and 5 burpees. PAX ran halfway up the hill and entered the parking lot to start another deconstructed burpee set, Merkins and In and Outs. Once that was finished, PAX ran to the top of the hill and finished the next two exercises. At this point, a lot of chatter and I was asked if I knew any other exercises. That is when Chicken taught me the statement: you Q they do and we both laughed.

I told PAX, it only makes sense to run the 4 corners and of course an exercise at each corner to complete another burpee set. I was happy to see Surge, One Star, and Carb Load at the first stop sign doing 15 In and Outs without being told. We also had a new form cop beside Recalculating, Zinfandel.

Zinfandel kept stating Bobbly Hurley’s are not bend overs but squats boys! We finished the four corners and saved the best for last. Run up and down the large hill and yes with another set of burpees. PAX finished this task with 6 more minutes to spare which is enough time to complete another 4 corner and yes with burpee set!

Everyone pushed it today and got in a good workout to start winding down the week. Great job!


Special shout out to Rockwell was 6th guy and has been part of F3 for 5.5 years.

Chicken Little explained the significance of being appreciative for what you have since unfortunately one of his colleagues was killed

2020 Passport through December 31 (visit new AO to post) – Chastain send link and Das Boot has the lead, great job!

High Hat promoted Appetizer AO

Just One Big Warm Up

11 men gathered in the gloom for this week’s edition of Nightmare on Elm led by YHC.  Pretty standard morning of 26 degree weather and everyone arriving at 5:29 in order to enjoy the last few moments of warmth.  The power of the fartsack is strong this time of year, t-claps to these fine gentlemen for not succumbing to the dark side.  Disclaimer was given with special emphasis on social distancing and keeping YHC honest in that regards #keepeachotheraccountable.  5:30 and we were off.

The Thang

Mosey to the parking lot betwixt Harris Teeter and CFA for COP:

IW x 12, Hillbillies x 12, Peter Parkers x 10, hold 6 inches, Parker Peters x 10, Big Arm Circles forward x 10, Big Arm Circles backwards x 10, SSH x 15

Mosey to first round.  It was at this time that Frehley’s commented that he thought that we were just going to warm up the whole time.  Yep, YHC threw an extra set or two in there because it was cold and most of us (Mudflap excluded) are old.  And besides when it is 26 degrees isn’t the whole workout basically one big warm up?  Cross Rea down Piper Station Dr and run to the circle where the hotels and Auto Bell are.  Count off by 3’s.  1’s run to the Residence Inn sign for 10 hand release merkins, 2’s run to the fountains at the new hotel (Hilton) for 10 diamond merkins and 3’s run to Piper Glen Animal Hospital for 10 wide arm merkins.  After each station run back to the circle for 10 shoulder tap merkins.  2 rounds of this and the upper body was feeling it.

Now that upper body had been addressed time for some cardio.  Run to the Brown Bag parking deck.  Triple Nickel of 5 donkey kicks at the bottom and 5 burpees at the top for 5 rounds.  Be sure to run along the outside of the deck and not up and down the stairs.  YHC was originally going to make this a Triple Nickel Adjusted for Inflation and increase the reps from 5 to 10 to 15 but timing was not going to allow it.  In fact due to timing YHC had to audible and drop the 5 rounds to 3.

Time was running short but we needed to get legs in.  Run to the Stonecrest fountains at Chipotle and spread far apart on the fountain wall.  With your back to the wall put your left foot on the wall and crank out 25 right leg lunges.  Be sure and get low.  Then alternate for 25 left leg lunges with right foot on the wall.  Add in 25 low slow squats and finish the leg sundae off with 10 more alternating lunges.

Mosey back to launch and when we hit the theater parking lot time to shake it up and make the rest of the jaunt home backwards.  1 minute to spare and Long Haul led us in some plank work.


Solid work by all.  The time really flew by for this workout for whatever reason.  Long Haul was practicing social distancing by blowing past the Pax.  He was in the merkin group with Patent Pending, Cooter and myself and kept about a 200 yard separation from us because well he was that much faster.  We wondered if it was possible for one to outrun Covid.  Apparently it runs in the family as Long Haul’s 2.0, Mudflap, was at the front with his old man the whole workout too.  I know that this will come as a shock to everyone but Frehley’s was full of mumblechatter early on.  YHC thought that he had worked some of it out of Frehley’s until at the end Frehley’s challenged Long Haul to a sprint back to launch #sandbagging.  Steady Teddy was killing it as always.  Glad to hear the 2.0 is inevitably going to get a full ride and you will be able to retire early.  Patent P brought Shade out who had posted in Charleston and one other place I believe.  Shade did awesome and I enjoyed the little bit of time I got to speak with him (what is it with all these Wisconsin transplants in SOB land?).  And I always enjoy getting to catch up with Patent P.  It did make YHC’s morning to see the dynamic duo of Patent and Loogie show up, especially since Loogie is now officially a beach bum.  You guys embody the fellowship aspect of F3, even when pushing yourselves, which is why many of us get up to exercise at 5:30 in cold or hot weather.  Speaking for myself it is much more enjoyable than working out solo.  Circuit City ditched his traditional bright, hi-vis attire for an all black ninja attire.  It must be in keeping with Best Buy’s Black Friday promotion.  Cooter, appreciate the push in the pre-run.  Cooter wanted to go an extra lap but YHC wanted to keep some in the tank for the Q.  Cooter is becoming such a #seriousrunner.  So Rousey’s 2.0 and my 2.0 are besties.  A couple of months back my 2.0 was hanging with his when Rousey bemoaned that his gym was closed.  My 2.0 mentioned that he ought to try this F3 thing that her dad did.  Imagine that a 12 year old EH’ing guys.  Anyhoo Rousey showed up and 3 months later he is one of the most consistent and reliable posters and crushing workouts.  The funny part is that he was amazed when I told him that yeah, we work out outside even when it is below freezing.  Now he is showing up in 26 degree weather in shorts…I think the California weather is officially out of your system.

Thanks to Circuit City and Swine Flu for giving me the opportunity to lead.


  • Keep pushing through December in the Passport Challenge.
  • War Eagle’s regular reminder to social distance at workouts.  It is a better alternative than having to wear a mask at workouts.
  • Nightmare is looking for Q’s in January and February.
  • Check Slack for Madame Tussaud’s post about needing guys to get together to put together Welcome Home packages for A Roof Above.  These will go to homeless men who will be provided a new living quarters in the hotel that A Roof Above recently purchased.
  • Thanks Patent Pending for the takeout.


9 guys posted at The Arsenal on a crisp December morning to see what kind of questionable decisions YHC would make.

YHC started with a disclaimer emphasizing social distancing, and then… hold on… someone is coming in hot! Who could it be? Let’s put our lives on hold and wait to find out. Why it was none other than General_! Wow, haven’t seen him since the Reagan administration.  This was a lot to process, but we had to forge ahead in earnest, now that we were officially a minute behind schedule. Surely this late start wouldn’t cause us to finish a minute late.

YHC had previously indicated we would be heading off campus. There was speculation by some that we’d be heading deep into the surrounding dark and hilly neighborhoods. Good guess, but no. Only Wingman pieced the puzzle together. YHC had strategically dropped the word “inspiration” into the pre-workout marketing and Wingy deduced, while studying Google Maps on the shitter, that we’d be heading to the campus of Inspiration Ministries. Nice work, Wingy. General_ ,on the other hand, had no clue where we were going. Wingman 1, General -1000.


We banged a right on Doby’s Bridge, crossed 521 with ease and continued Northeast on the brand new road that the new Indian Land YMCA graciously installed for us. General_ got winded almost immediately so we stopped for some SSH and then again a little later for IW so he could compose himself. After he stopped spilling merlot and pooping himself, we continued on past the Y and finally made it to the campus of Inspiration Ministries and CrossRidge church. The journey to this point was 1 mile. Now it was time for a little exploration of the extremely beautiful and impressive campus before us.

LSS x 10 IC in the lower right parking lot.

Mosey to the oval path around the giant cross behind the pond. There are 7 benches around the oval. Each pax find a home bench.  Run counterclockwise to each bench in suicide fashion, stopping for 5 derkins at each new bench and home bench. It was around this time that several pax individually confided in me that they didn’t think General_ would make it thru the workout, despite skipping most of the exercises.

Mosey to bridge going across the pond. Run around the North side of the pond, stopping at each corner for jump squats, starting w/ 10 and increasing by 10 at each corner. General_ pulled an audible and got in a quick nap.

Mosey to “big monument thing” near the 521 entrance.  Grab some wall for dips and hip slappers IC.

Return to the main entrance road for route 66 burpees using the trees as markers.  We got to the 7th tree before needing to head back to launch (28 burpees).

We retraced our steps, more or less, on the 1 mi journey home, stopping a couple times for mary. General_ took an Uber back.


Ok, in reality we had an extremely strong group which enabled us to crush the 1 mi trek to/fro and get most of the weinke in. In total we covered almost 4 miles. Strong work by everyone, including General_. This new territory will (hopefully) be a welcome addition to the Arsenal repertoire.  I thoroughly enjoyed leading and exploring this area with these fine men. Thank you Brexit for the opportunity, and thank you L Train for switching dates w/ me.


Deck Run v5 is tomorrow at the Brave. 9 decks are on the menu.

Kajagoogoo & French gloves

Tongue-tied or short of breath, don’t even try
Try a little harder
Something’s wrong, you’re not naive, you must must be strong
Ooh, baby, try.

That was Spackler’s disclaimer & encouragement prior to launch…don’t believe me?  Ok, actually that is the opening stanza of English band Kajagoogoo’s “Too Shy”, released in 1983.  Why do I mention this?  Glad you asked.

Puddin’ Pop, with a partial assist from Geraldo, gave me the history of the song and lead singer – Limahl, not le Maul after YHC mentioned posting at The Maul yesterday.  You never know what may come out of the nether regions of Puddin’ & Geraldo’s steel memory vaults — containing all things pop culture, TV, music, etc.

By the way YHC is Hops, not Spackler, as he refuseniked the backblast and said as much during COT.

So here’s a bit of Thang & mostly Moleskinny below:

Actually only 19 of us did the workout.  Site Q Emeritus and Poet Laureate of Area 51 – Sprockets – ran in for COT.

We ran over to the church parking lot for COP, where Geraldo soiled himself.  Spackler then had the pax partner up, grab a rock, and run with it to Evelyn’s Hill or Evelyn’s Rock or whatever.  So we ran the hill 3 or 4 times with rock exercises while partner ran up and did 15 merkins.  It was Covid compliant, as we were all wearing gloves, except Proehl and maybe Lorax.

Speaking of gloves – Hopper shared how his pair of French gloves had held up beautifully for 2 years.  He bought these wondergloves when he and M. Hopper were in Paris for their 20th.  Puddin’ Pop guessed the boutique at which Hopper bought these mittens.  Steel vault.  Weird.

Now back to the church, return rocks, and head over to SCLT baseball complex for starfish work.  Spackler called for modified burpees which YHC thought meant some feeble knee bends, but he actually meant squat thrusts. Also, at some point Hopper pointed out that it was the first time Brandi ever wore sleeves to an F3 workout.  25 degrees will do that, I guess.

Slingshot asked for donations to fill the monstrous pothole behind the school.  I’m donating an unused bag of Sakrete.

Deep Dish updated the pax on the Vegas odds for Clemson at VT this weekend.  #F3Bookie

Some other funny stuff happened…hopefully, you guys will chime in with some more flavor.

Good bootcamp Q Spackler – less than 3 miles.  Glad to be back on the bootcamp circuit.

Please keep Bout Time’s family in your prayers.  His young son Jennings’ cancer has come back, and they have another long fight ahead of them.  God is able to heal, so let’s boldly ask Him to do so.  Ask Him.  Often.

We all have things that weigh on us, things we need — relational, financial, mental struggles.  Risking getting too “faithy” here, but men –> there is a God who cares and listens.  He is not a genie granting wishes, and He is not some cosmic vending machine.  But even if you’re not a praying man – what do you have to lose?  Ask.  Knock.  Seek.  An ancient king named David once wrote, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”  He always feeds the hungry.

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  Matthew 11: 28-29


Squat or Lunge….What’s the Difference, Really?

7 PAX conquered the fartsack for a cold morning of 28 deg.  YHC arrived at Calvary at precisely 516 for the latest Q of Meathead.  Parking lot abandoned, was hoping for a few others to do awkward old man broga with me.  Alas it’s me, my dirty yoga mat, and my degenerative lumbar spine.  Cue Simon and Garfunkel “Hello Darkness My Ole Friend….”  Get out of the car, boy it’s cold….stretchy stretchy.  519  Uncle Leo arrives and now we have two dudes doing some stretching.   Now we’re cooking! My downward doggin’ and Uncle Leo with some magical Mark Spits stretches. Head lights of the Anvil Pax gather over yonder.  Rest of Meathead PAX arrive at near launch time.

PAX: Hoover, Ickey Shuffle, Mighty Might, Sloglow, Uncle Leo, Unplugged, Voodoo



Windmill IC X 10

Squat Stretch – Left, Right, Center – Repeato

Baby and Poppa Arm circles IC X 10 each

Thang: Goal 250 swings with some unilateral work to test our balance and build awesome obliques.

Round 1:

  • 20 swings
  • 10 rack squats – Left
  • 20 KB merkins
  • Rest-ish
  • 15 swings
  • 10 1-leg RDL – Left
  • 10 KB LBCs
  • Rest -ish
  • 15  swings
  • 10 clean and press – Left
  • 10 Bull Dogs/Louganis
  • Rest-ish

Round 2 repeat on right side; Round 3 – repeat left side; Round 4 repeat right side.

Recover for real this time

Round 5 – Alternating 10 1H swings with 10 rack walking squats lunges

  • 10 swings – 10 rack walking lunges – left
  • 10 swings – 10 rack walking lunges – right
  • 10 swings – 10 rack walking lunges – left
  • 10 swings – 10 rack walking lunges – right
  • 10 swings – 10 rack walking lunges – left


  • Plank 1 min
  • Hollow Body Hold



Boy was it cold today!  PAX put in tremendous work doing some different  exercises.  The rack squats and walking lunges were a crowd pleaser.  I added some unilateral training to work on balance under load and get the core working for longer.  Time under tension.  The cold induced my asthma which is usually a sign that either the workout is beasty or it’s cold as a steel jockstrap.  I think both, particularly the latter.

It was great to have Hoover back out after his families COVID encounter.  All immediate family are negative so he’s back at it.  He was dressed in all black.  Some PAX (Ickey?) commented that he looked like every Disney movie burglar.   YHC was a bit O2 dep and asthma’y this morning so he miscalled a few of the exercises.  Much laughter and levity was had when I called for rack walking squats (meant lunges).  Hoover said I get to add that to the Lexicon.  Thanks Voodoo for the playlist assist.  One of these days I’ll have a weinke and a playlist and a speaker.

Thanks for letting me lead.

Unplugged Out!
