9 Pax battled the cold and made it out to The Rising for YHC’s 1st guest Q back in NJ. It was a great group of guys and sure stop on next trip back. As I was trying to complete my early morning meditation routine fluffing of my weinke I was startled awakened by Pharmer’s tunes coming from the car next to me. We both decided to leave the comfort of the 21* temps of the car to wait for the rest of the Pax to arrive in the 18* weather waiting for us outside. Soon after Dos Equis came into the lot and bursting out of the car looking as if he just had his third cup of coffee (cawfee), ran 3 miles, and pissing excellence. We planted the flag and proceeded to the corner of the parking lot as we wait for the other pax to join. As we got closer to the 6:30 start a few more pax began to pull into lot and join the crew. With this YHC decided it was the opportune time to whip out DCCS and give an overview to the pax.
6:34 and we have few more Pax rolling in, so we wait and we run through one more time and we take off on opening mosey.
Partner 7’s
At completion everyone gets on their 6 and we do some mary before proceeding to next step.
Burpee Indian Run
Direction given to get in line and Burpee Indian Run up to the playground. Last pax drops and does burpee and runs to front of line. When passing the last pax in line he drops and does burpee and runs to front.
Playground Fun
Partner up with new pax at the playground and go to stations:
Round 1
Round 2:
This is always good spot to use and especially when you do not set off the alarms for downtown Waxhaw and have the “Fuzz” begin to question what are a bunch of sweaty old guys doing playing on a swingset in the morning.
Mosey Over to far parking lot by Pool
4 corners
Explain the 4 corners we will go through where on each time out do 5x called exercise and then mosey back to start and increase to next corner until you complete the entire square
Mosey back to start area with another Indian Burpee Run
Few more minutes left so we will finish with few weave drills
2 minutes left to finish with Mary
One of the biggest lessons I learned today was don’t take F3 for granted. As where we are in CLT we have 14 AO’s to choose from within a 5-10 mile radius throughout the week. Guys up here were driving 30+ minutes to attend a workout and the next closest AO is 45 miles away. The group is something special and the 1st F is only one component of it. Make sure to continue to expand and find ways to incorporate the 2nd and 3rd F’s among the group. My message to you guys is like it was said on one of the F3 podcast. Go out there in the morning and have fun, act like a child and be an idiot. Find ways to bust chops and banter with each other when you can. This will continue to form bonds among the guys and make the shield lock that much stronger.
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