FAMRAP time again at Centurion – YHC thought of using an oldie but a goodie with a few tweaks for Centurion – thus you have Centurion Circuits.
Not sure if it was the pre-blast or the concern of colder weather, but the numbers were a bit low for typical Centurion. 6 men decided to show and take up YHC on the offer to get better and try some FAMRAP for the weekend.
One FNG brought out by Lorax so marginal disclaimer provided.
Mosey over to the benches for instructions:
Starting at the benches – do 5 jump ups or 5 step ups per leg.
Run to first stairwell – up to the top – 5 merkins
cross top to last stairwell – 5 jump squats
down stairs to bars – 5 inverted pull-ups
run over to back corner under the scoreboard – 5 heels to heaven
Run up back side of field to top corner – 5 burpees and back to benches
Then repeat with 10 reps each, 15, 20, then back down to 15, 10 and finally 5. Total count 7 laps and 100 of each exercise if you completed the circuit.
Great work by everyone today – everyone pushed it. Tough workout that kept you moving the entire time. Welcome Point Break – keep coming out, it will get better.
YHC wants to write more but the new BB application sucks – have to agree with Spackler – this thing is terrible.
Champagne out.
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