Chasing the Gopher

Chasing the Gopher

YHC pulled into the parking lot with a few minutes to spare where I found Slim Fast and Sensei back from the Slim Fast 5k looking pretty warmed up. At 0530 the Pax was properly disclaimed, when we see Dora coming in hot. We completed some merkins while Dora jumped out of the minivan and joined us.

The Thang:

We Moseyed over to the bus parking lot, YHC almost turned left to the church parking lot but quickly digressed.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • Low Slow Squats x 15
  • Windmills x 10 (for Dora)
  • Eight Count Body Builders x 10 IC (Crowd pleaser)

Feeling warmed up, we headed to the little hill behind the ball field for Sevens, Merkins at the bottom and Squats at the top.

Now that we were really warmed up, we moseyed over to the track for a quick lap then gather back at the bus lot. Time for an oldie but a goody, the Gopher. Partner up, size and speed does not matter. Partner 1 runs a lap around the track, while Partner 2 runs back to the bleachers behind the ball field and complete the circuit of 10 incline Merkins, 15 Dips, and 20 Step-ups (10 each leg). When finished, meet your partner halfway for 10 handslap Merkins, then flap jack. We go until time is called.

I think we managed to get three rounds when I looked at my watch and it was time to head back to the launch point for some Mary. If I remember correctly we completed Flutter Kicks, Hello Dollys and, Rosalita. Another quick look at the watch and we had time for 5 Burpees OYO.



  • It’s refreshing to have the Fall climate finally arrive. Although YHC was sure to find Slim Fast wearing pants since it was sub 50 degrees, but he was still in shorts. Swiss Miss however was in pants, no surprise there.
  • There was to be no Sally or Thunderstruck today, nor any playlist.
  • The Gopher makes for an easy #weinke, but also pushes you, lots of you vs. you.
  • When YHC provided the instructions for the Gopher Dora said “What did I do to piss you off?” He was out there and pushing himself, getting stronger every week coming back from the broken foot.
  • Slim Fast was trying to use the Jedi Mind Trick on YHC when he tried to get me to change the rep counts for to 10 for all of the exercises. Valiant effort to no avail.
  • Strong work from Arsenal this morning, I hadn’t seen him in some time and reintroduced myself.
  • #Kotters to Swiss Miss who hasn’t been posting to many boot camps lately but can be found regularly at #Gumby.
  • Tweetsie was missed but he has the Q next week. I heard he recently/finally turned 30. It’s all downhill from here son.
  • Lois is feeling enlightened having to learn all he needs to know about compliance this week. “Fraud is bad”.
  • Nice to meet DNR today, which this was only his second post ever. I got to partner up with him when Slim Fast had to leave early. Good job and keep it up.
  • Sardine #Refusniked the last trip to the bleachers and modified to merkins,
  • Thanks to Sensei and Lois for the opportunity to lead and please sound off with any mumblechatter.


  • Veteran’s Day Convergence at BaseCamp 0700 Thunder Road and Hopper on Q
  • Area 51/SOB Christmas Party 11/22 6:30 PM, details here
  • Gobble Wobble 5K 11/9 Register here

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Geraldo author

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