Preblast: Centurion FAMRAP

  • When:11/08/2019
  • QIC: Mermaid

Preblast: Centurion FAMRAP

A couple of weeks ago, A51 Nantan, Alf, brought a taste of WAMRAP (Wednesday As Many Reps As Possible) to Centurion. It was brutal. A swift kick in the teeth. Just what the men of Centurion needed. Margo, Centurion co-site Q with YHC, has requested that this be a monthly occurrence at Centurion. At least in November, when he has the Cerberus Q tomorrow, and will not be in attendance. We will do a warm up mosey, COP, and then run a modified Redemption Loop for approximately 35 minutes. It will go like this:

Start at Level 4, Stairwell 1 (closest to the Cerberus entrance)

20 Jump Squat

Descend stairs to ground. 5 Burpees. AYG clockwise around the football field. Stop at Scoreboard (far left corner from Start). 5 Burpees. Continue AYG around field to Visitor Entrance (2nd Entrance on your left).

20 Merkins. Bear Crawl to the crosswalk. AYG up Stairwell 1.

Repeat as many reps as possible. Stay to the right on stairs. Men will be going up and down.

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Mermaid administrator

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