Splitting wood

Splitting wood

man after the storm last night I was purposely looking for a low lying area at the Matrix to get the PAX nice and muddy. Anyway that was my plan, which never goes the way you plan it.

Start with a quick disclaimer, informed the PAX that I just finished splitting wood all weekend so was not very excited about the lead th8s morning. But we headed around the parking lot and onto the soccer field, up the enpmbankment to the rock quarry.

Select a respectable liftin’ rock- line up on the field for some non traditional F3 action.

The Thang’ called out exercise and sprint 40 yards and back

  1. Curl x10
  2. sprint to light and back
  3. Overhead press x10
  4. sprint to light and back
  5. Triceps press x10
  6. sprint to light and back
  7. Bent over row x10
  8. sprint to light and back
  9. Press with flutter x10
  10. sprint to light and back

Rinse and repeat – last set x20

return rocks

head to play set

Partner up 3 sets of following:

x10 burpee pull up

x15  leg push (left/center/right 1,2,3 =1)

x50 squats

Reverse COT

elbow plank (raise right leg 6 inches, switch leg) 1 min.

flutter x15 in cadence

circle up- tight shoulder to shoulder plank hold

Runner leads PAX mirken:  1 mirken- run around and next PAX 2 mirkens, 3 mirkens, 4 mirkens etc.






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Run Stopper author

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