Mumblechatter Jaw Workout

Mumblechatter Jaw Workout

13 mostly outside salesman met for a cold workout, but neither the cold or the workout could shut them up.



Run down into raintree about .5 miles to a huge hill.

Run up the hill 50 merkins

back down 40

up 30

down 20

up 10


Now run up hill 50 old school situps

down 40

up 30

down 20

up 10

Run .5 miles back to parking lot for partner sprint (ish) runs and exercises

P1 run to last basketball goal and back and flapjack until done with:

200 dry docks

150 squats

200 monkey humpers

circle up for 6 MOM



This was a fun group, lots of the old school A51 gang.  Lots of mumblechatter, name calling, insults, and general tom foolery.  We covered just under 3 miles according to Geraldo’s tech package.  We did a ton of merkins, and stomachs.  Bulldog was rocking a sweet Christmas Vacation screen printed t-shirt about the only place he could wear it.  Busch was so excited about posting he forgot his hat and gloves but the fro kept him warm.   Great to see all the boys, even at 25 degrees.


Announcements:   Busch, Bulldog, and Stone Cold are starting a new 3rd F after Friday workouts at Panera starting in January.  Shore tried to name it manhole but Busch and Stone Cold didn’t think this group was mature enough to give proper respect to that title.  It will be called Man Cave.

Also, big convergence at F3 Metro tomorrow for a brother  (Bout time) with a sick child.  Make it if you can.

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Bananas author

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