
  • When:03/31/17
  • QIC: Bananas
  • The PAX: Turkey Leg, Cottontail, Stone Cold, Horsehead, Good Hands, Floor Slapper, Puddin Pop, Orange Whip, Bulldog, Rhapsody, Fault Line, Blazing Saddles, Big League Chew (Respect), Squid, Alf, Bananas (Q)


As Bulldog likes to say, that was a goodin, in his British West Virginian combo accent.

We jumped on it early with no warmup except for the mosey down the road with 20 merkins at each speed bump.

Wandered aimlessly around the building to find a suitable wall for:

Shoulder work on the wall with pushups, donkey kicks, and arm raises, 3 rounds. (had to be there, I don’t know what they’re called)

Run to soccer/lacrosse field for partner work.

P1 run
P2 flutter

P1 run
P2 hand release merkins

P1 run
P2 LBC’s

P1 run
P2 monkey humpers

Run over to the hill for 7’s with CDD’s and Squats

Run to gazebo for 3 rounds of
20 Derkins
20 step ups
20 dips

Back to field at lot for 6 MOM and a time waster of merkins, squats, and burpees

Great old school group of F3 men out today. I haven’t been posting as much as I used to and am somewhat working on correcting that. Seeing all the boys is a good reminder as to why I need to. Alf brought the mumblechatter that I expect to hear at Kevlar with lots of comments, jabs, and whatever he could muster. Well done sir. Horsehead, even though he was demoted from site Q, still feels authoritative as the assistant to the management. There were some odd smells out there today, and thanks to a wind shift, the high pressure fart that Puddin tried to fire at me got diverted. That almost threw off the whole 6MOM pal. Good try Puddin, you earned the name Puddin Pop officially today. 16 is a good number considering the forecast, thanks for coming out gents. See you guys next week. Sound off on anything I missed or you would like to add.

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7 years ago

That was a Goodin Banana’s. I was trying to instigate some smack talk but no one was biting. Maybe everyone’s gotten too nice at Kevlar???

I don’t know what you call that push up / hands on the wall exercise but it mostly sucked and should be used again.

Reply to  Alf
7 years ago

Little slip of the shoe and it would be called the “face plank”

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