Highway to Hell to Stairway to Heaven

  • When:03/06/17
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Nard Dog, Wild Turkey, Soft Pretzel, Loogie, Escobar, Frehley's Comet (Respect), The Worm (Respect), Chopper (Respect),

Highway to Hell to Stairway to Heaven

9 men were bold enough to post at Foxhole this AM for my VQ at the AO.  A good group of regulars out there ready to swing some metal.  No site Q’s present.  Something about alarm failure and a business trip, all weak excuses.

Gather up for brief disclaimer.  Leave bells for a quick 300m stroll around the parking lot.  Some SSH and Merkins to loosen the joints from the weekend.

The Thang:

Round 1:  20 2-handed swings, 20 Good Mornings, 20 Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls, 8 8-Count Body Builders.  Complete 3 sets of this and then run the 300m loop.

Round 2: 20 Snatches (10 each arm), 20 Romanian Dead Lifts (10 each leg), 20 overhead lat pulls, 8 8-Count Body Builders.  Complete 3 sets of this and then run the 300m loop.

Round 3: 20 High Pulls (10 each arm), 20 Tea Bag Squats, 20 Overhead press, 8 8-Count Body Builders.  Complete 3 sets of this and then run the 300m loop.

Some Plank and Mary between rounds.

Finish with some Flutter with press and extra 2-handed swings.

Boom – Stairway to Heaven fades out and we are done.  Like I planned it that way.


This isn’t the first time I have used this workout format.  Mostly because I really like it because it hits a bunch of different muscle groups with different movements and stresses the cardio of the pace as much as it stresses the strength exercises.  Plus you can always change up the individual exercises and counts to fit your Q style.

Strong work out there by the men of Foxhole which included ⅓ Respects!  A couple of guys rotating through KB’s and using the heavier ones for the leg work.  Chopper went digging through the jeep mid-workout to find some more KB’s to play with!  Soft Pretzel and Wild Turkey were moving through it quickly.  Escobar and Nard Dog also keeping a steady pace.  Frehley’s seemed to grumble on the tunes a few times.  I am still not sure what Warrant’s Cherry Pie is referring to?  But we started hard with AC/DC and finished up with Zeppelin so let’s assume everything in the middle was just as awesome.  And Stairway started at 6:07 and closed us right out at 6:15.

Argonaut asked me what size KB was needed for today.  Apparently he snuggled up too close to it last night and never heard the alarm to post.  You missed a good one.

Thanks to Wild Turkey for the takeout.



Building the wall with Haggis – Saturday 3/18.  Lift really heavy rocks with a professional really heavy rock lifter.

Brolympics coming a Saturday in May at Community House Middle School  See DaVinci and Stonehenge site Q’s for details.  If Wild Turkey and Tolkien are involved I am sure there will be 10,389,692 tweets on the subject letting you know it is going to happen.

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Alf author

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

See you at the Brolympics Alf.

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