Bullish on RUN

  • When:02/21/17
  • QIC: Bratwurst
  • The PAX: ThinMint, Fahvra, OneNiner, Bunker, TigerRag, WildTurkey, Gumbo, Enron, DasBoot, Chipotle, Atlas, FireHazard, Abacus, DocMcStuffins, NardDog, DepthCharge, Haggis, Frasier, Cheddar, Tootie, Bratwurst, anyone missing?

Bullish on RUN

21 PAX (seems like there were more) strode out of the darkness into the pleasant gloom of Tuesday morning to run unguided for the weekly workout known as #F3Swift.


The Moleskin:

  • Some variety on the day, first starting with an unexpected turn of events a couple of minutes into the pre-run.  With YHC’s back tightening up, it didn’t look like it was going to be a good day to try and run.  Back at the lot however and trying to find a replacement amongst the early PAX and those coming back from the pre-run, the PAX either pleaded ignorance of not understanding the PreBlast, didn’t want to have the responsibility of answering TigerRag’s questions of how many second per 400m equals pace per mile on the progression run, or just wanted to motivate YHC to continue.  The comment that did it was, “you have to stay for the 3rdF (Timekeeper) anyway.”  So I immediately thought to myself, that’s right!  I can’t just go home!  I’ll meet you all at the Bull Ring with my clipboard, stopwatch, and Bull Horn.  I’ll crawl there, but you can warm-up the long way.  So off I went on my own, then about a minute later remembered that I couldn’t stay around for Timekeeper anyway because of my 8yo 2.3’s birthday breakfast!  Well, there will be no leader when they get there, so I have to at least try.  Slow mosey OYO to the Bull Ring.
  • Once at the Ring and doing some drills, things probably felt better for most of the PAX. What I’m trying to do on the warm-ups is to give two options for that opening 10minutes.  We’ll always end together, but there will be suggestions for PAX to go a longer way and a shorter way.  That way, get in the warm-up that is right for you.  No need to redline on the warm-up.
  • Already running a little behind my fine tuned Pre-blast, we got the 200-200-400s explained and started off.  Things went well, except for the few PAX that didn’t get the suggestion at least “start each interval with another PAX”.  That probably meant you had to look behind you (Fahvra) and pick up slower PAX (Frasier and ThinMint) that were going a different speed, but I can only be so suggestive…  After a lap of just sitting around and trying some solo stretching in the darkness while talking to PAX as they went by, I figured I should give it a go and at least tail the Six.  Actually turned out to be pleasant to catch up with some PAX like Tootie and Chipotle (Kotters!) that are definitely working as hard as everyone else.  It’s all about hitting the pace targets that are right for YOU.  If you don’t know what those targets should be, try to read the PreBlast, go out and run a race, or keep sticking with us a few more weeks until we do another Time Trial.
  • Progression in the end would have seemed like a death march if you started out too fast.  Getting faster each 400m is an exercise in patience and will.  It was great to see each PAX pushing themselves back to the Vine.  Though often it’s nice to have one big group going back together, it’s often fun to see if you can make it back in time.  Somehow, Haggis was last to come in, but he must have been trying to get in more miles.
  • Well done PAX!  Thank you for the motivation to get out there even when I don’t feel like it.  Was a great encouragement to me.



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