Goats Get Super Bowl Ready!

  • When:2/3/17
  • QIC: Slim Fast
  • The PAX: Lois, Frasier, Tiger Rag, Retread, Nomad, The Mouth, Insomniac, Pele, Benny, Early Bird, Tweetsie, Udder, Kilowatt, Mr. Brady, JRR Tolkien, Slim Fast

Goats Get Super Bowl Ready!

16 Goats including two on IR started their weekends with good decisions by showing up at South Charlotte Middle School for another installment of F3 Mountain Goat.  With that level of effort, everyone is ready to eat whatever they want on Sunday for the big game!

Here’s what we did:

  1. Warm-up – 2 miles around Rounding Run
  2. 2 sets of 8 x 200m R-pace (1-mile race pace) w/200m recovery between each.  800m recovery between sets.  We did these on Strawberry Ln using the road humps as 200m intervals.
  3. Cool-down back to parking lot…
  4. DONE!

Depending on pace we got 5.5-6.5 miles completed.


I will say that as I put this workout together… meaning I went to Jack Daniel’s Guide to Running and pulled a workout from the 5k/10k plan (Phase II for anyone keeping score)… I was honestly thinking this would be pretty easy.  I mean, come on!!  8×200 with 200 recovery in between?  This won’t be one of our harder workouts!

Wow… was I mistaken!  It felt really tough…. really good, but really tough!   That is the type of workout that is going to get you guys ready for BRR… so just know this… there will be more!!

Frasier showed up again and made us all look like we are using walkers…!  Never far behind were Tiger Rag and Retread!  Good to have TR join us after a bit of a hiatus!

Great to have Udder out with us!  He’s been threatening to come out awhile since his last visit… so great to have you, and always welcome!

Great having Pele back from IR.  Getting BRR-ready!

Not a lot of mumblechatter… I think everyone was trying to catch their breaths like me!  Even The Mouth was quiet… something about being in San Francisco this week being a good excuse for missing Peak… it’s not….

Solid work from the regulars… Lois, Tweetsie, Kilowatt, Early Bird, Benny, Nomad, Insomniac…

During COT, it was definitely a Christmas Vacation moment when Eddie and Catherine suddenly “appear”…. that being Mr. Brady and JRR Tolkien, who were suddenly just “there” in the count-off… I won’t determine who is Eddie and who is Catherine… that will be for further debate.  They were doing self-directed IR recovery… good to have you both join at least the COT!


  1. F3 Dads at Checkers Hockey game 4/24
  2. Richard Shelter run… 4/29
  3. See Slim Fast if interested in running on the Mountain Goat/Peak 51 Blue Ridge Relay team.

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Slim Fast author

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JRR Tolkien
JRR Tolkien
7 years ago

I was thinking Cheech and Chong, but I get what you mean. Either way we’re working our way back to being able to hang with the Goats speed!

Checkers Hockey is 2/25 6pm and 50+ pax are going so let me know asap!

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