18 today to say “Bon Voyage” to the current Kevlar Site Qs and welcome in some new blood. Actually, I looked up “Bon Voyage” and it means “have a nice trip”, and I’m pretty sure that’s not the proper translation for some of the messages I have been receiving. Close enuf.
Given the importance of today, Bulldog and I started planning our workout several weeks in advance. We did a few dry runs in different atmospheric conditions with some hired stand-ins and ran things through a fairly sophisticated software package developed by Union County sausage purveyor (and goat breeder) Skeebo Whittaker to make sure we had all of our bases covered.
The Thang:
Horsehead Q
Bulldog Q
Whew, that was a lot to type. I’m not sure if I got all of the details, but you should get the overall gist of the workout. It was fairly elaborate, but I think we pulled it off.
It’s been a good run, and we’ve made some memories. Sometimes the great workouts we’ve had come to mind, but mostly the more “memorable” ones do. Given my penchant for mockery, this list seems (in)appropriate:
Top Eleven Worst Kevlar Workouts of All Time (because Ten wasn’t enough)
Honorable Mentions:
Radar Hairburners with 50 of your closest friends, Hoff allegedly taking deuce while Qing a workout (possibly an urban legend), BD and Header preKB listening to Barry White, BD soccer workout, Strikeout ending at 6:05 with nothing in the tank,
Anyway, this one today almost ended up with a high spot on the list as I got a small case of the Horseheads during the 3rd round of tireburners and had to sit out a spell until my triple vision turned back into double vision. Good thing I had that pack of freeze dried Trump steak jerky in the truck to revive with. I think that I missed a calling as an official Garbage Pail Kid.
Thanks to Bulldog for his tireless administration of the site, spending countless hours setting up the schedule and all of the other behind the scenes things to keep this machine running. He’s a prepared little monkey, you know. I think he wears a Leatherman to church.
As for myself, I’ll be taking some time off to do some soul searching. I’m considering a stint at Gong Farming and collecting Burnt Sienna Crayons.
I’m sure that the new guys, Orange Whip and Fault Line, will do what they can to improve conditions. In return, be sure to love them and pet them and call them George.
– Horsehead
Always beneficial to learn what NOT to do..ha! Thanks HH and BD for the opportunity to take over as site Q along with Orange Whip. Great workout today, tested some new surface area at the field and paid homage to the classic Eternal Flame. BTW I have learned running is a great cure for “unruly mocking and debauchery.” Just sayin’…
HH and Bulldog will be hard to follow. Thankfully CDS built a brand new field in their honor to improve the site. Thanks to all of you who contributed to the building fund. Therefore, Horse Dog field (or Bull Head field) will always stand to honor the past. Looking forward to leading with my California connection- Fault Line and giving the power back to the people.
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