Are you kidding? This is a Magnum P.I.

  • When:01/19/2017
  • QIC: Gummy
  • The PAX: Semi Gloss, Radar, Hopper, Purple Haze, Arena, Queen, Puddin' Pop, Good Hands, Marge, Wolfman, Pop Tart, Gummy (QIC)

Are you kidding? This is a Magnum P.I.

12 grown men gathered in an elementary school parking lot this morning at 5:15. It was good to have several guys back out who haven’t posted much lately – Haze (fresh off 6.5 miles at Fast Twitch), Radar, Wolfman and Hopper. With that crew of #kotters, we expected Stage Coach or Bugeater to come rolling in. The Union County rolled in after their 2-hour drive from the hinterlands. After a tremendous disclaimer (trust me, it was great, yuge), we proceeded thusly.

Quick mosey to the front field (Haze: I didn’t know we still worked out on grass). Fair point – we prefer our dry pavement these days, but the field was dry, so on we went. SSH, MC, IW. Then line up abreast on the sideline for back and forth warmup (jog front and back, carioca, broad jumps, bear crawl, crab walk).

Gather at the far end zone for Here and There. Run over “there” (100 yards) and do 5 HR merkins, then back “here” for 15 jump squats. Then 10/10, then 15/5. End “there”.

Mosey over to the pile of rocks at the church. Choose a partner and grab a manly rock. CMIYC around the church with a 10 merkin chaser. Mary recovery Repeat. Radar was my partner and picked a nice, small rock – veteran – then took off at full speed. He’s been doing something to keep in shape.

Mosey over to the benches around the tree. 10 derkins, 10 jump ups, 10 dips. Run over there and touch that pole. Repeat with 15 and 20 reps. Over to the wall behind the school. Partner 1 BTW while partner 2 runs to the playground over there and back. Flapjack. Repeat with People’s Chair. Radar is out of practice on the partner low-5. We looked like Tiger Woods and his caddie.

To the front field again for 10 sprints from one end to the other. Queen was flying until he realized we were doing 10. Semi, Radar and Haze talked like school girls the whole time. I checked on Arena on the jog back to the cars because he was limping – apparently that’s just how he runs. Oops. Done.

Good work by the guys this morning. 2.5 miles with plenty of merkins for me. Oh yeah, Semi Gloss wore one glove. #michaeljackson

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8 years ago

Nice Q Gummie. I enjoyed the different types of running. Much more enjoyable than Fast Twitch. First time I met Queen. He looks like Fletch on roids. And the one glove must make Semi faster since he has less weight. He was hard to catch even with the 100lb rock we carried.

Reply to  Poptart
8 years ago

You know you liked Fast Twitch.

Also, I’m going to need proof that Radar was there. #notconvinced

8 years ago

All I know is we ran to the top of the hill today not past it.

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