100% rain

  • When:01/03/17
  • QIC: Bucky
  • The PAX: TagAlong, Heartbreaker, FireMarshallBill, Strawberry, Fallout, Abba, DocMcStuffins, Morning After, Bucky, MadamTuss, Bratwurst, Bunker, NardDog, Frazier, OneNiner, Favrah, Outback, Haggis

100% rain

100% chance of rain was actually just a bit misty. Gave disclaimer.

9 Bagpipe moseyed to circle up:
Bulgarian Ball Busters (yah!), Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Imp Walker, SS Hop, Low Slow Squat

Mosey to circle fountain wall near parking structure:
7 incline Merkins (slow, form), 7 step ups each leg, run around the fountain area (x2)
12 Dips, 7 wall lunges each leg, run around the fountain areas (x2)

Mosey to storefront (partially covered), partner up:
10 leg/ab throws, wheelbarrow to other end, 10 decline Merk off partner’s back (each person does 2 full rounds)

Mosey to Deck:
Going up…Lower level 7 Squats, next level 7 Car Dry Docks, next 7 Squats, next 7 Dry Dock (plank at top)
Going down…7 Burpees, 7 Heels to Heaven, 7 Burpees, 7 Heels (plank at bottom).
Back up, all you’ve got but also do OYO 7 Squats, Dry Docks, Heels, Burpees.
Mary at the top (around the horn picking x15)

Mosey back to base while mixing in some ButtKicks, High Knees, Side to Side, Backward.

9 Swift, 9 Bagpipe.

-Last week for Joe Davis (it’s Saturday).
-Blue Ridge Reley (per MT is “the best event of F3”) sign up starting.
-2nd F – the book Legacy is discussed weekly, 2 chapters a week, about leadership, impact, etc (see MT).

QIC was fully prepared for a 95% covered rain workout, but called several audibles so we were only covered around 40% of the time (saving the parking structure for the times when truly necessary – thanks for rolling with it). Several comments about needing to get moving after a festive holiday stretch. Strawberry & Heartbreaker swooped in after a little pre-run, nice extra motivation. FireMarshallBill muscled through a bad knee – nice work, but get that checked in ’17. Some extra tough Mary calls (J-Lo…ouch, Frehleys/Dolphin…ouch). Doc McStuff led the way but strong fast group overall. Good group, ready to work – great efforts. Fun to kick off Bagpipe in ’17, and honor to lead.

Takeout for a safe, blessed, inspired 2017!

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Bucky author

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