The thang:
Disclaimer was given and the PAX set out on a cool morning to the upper parking lot for a little COP.
COP– 20 SSH, 20 IW, 20 LSS, 20 merkins, 20 mountain climbers, 5 burpees
Mosey down to bleachers where the PAX eagerly awaited their first exercise.
Exercise # 1– Follow the leader as we went up and down the entire set of bleachers 3 times. First time through–every step, Second time–every other step, Third time–Frog hop every other step.
Mosey to jungle gym at top of bleachers.
Exercise #2–OYO, each man completed 50 pull-ups, 100 merkins, 100 squats, and 100 dips. The suggestion was to do them in five rounds of 10,20,20,20 but OYO was completely acceptable.
Mosey to end zone line of football field.
Exercise #3– OYO, bear crawl to 10 yard line, jog to opposite goal line. Bear crawl to 20 yard line, jog to opposite goal line. Bear crawl to 30 yard line, jog to opposite goal line.
Repeat pattern with walking lunges and crab crawls.
AYG one final time of 2016, then mosey to top of bleachers for 2 rounds of people’s chair.
Mosey back. Done.
Great group of devoted Joust men. It was a pleasure taking the PAX out for its final 2016 workout. Guys were getting after it and not much encouragement was needed.
Thank you to Yeti and Header for their continued leadership of Joust! And thank you to Smokey for the take-out. Happy New Year to everybody.
Joe Davis run next week
Convergence at Matrix next Monday, Jan. 2.
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